My friends are...dead

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Flash back
"We have your friends" I freeze at what he said and stoped struggling to get free.

It's been around a week after that. Captin Ewin tested me himself. I didn't need much training as I could use the 3DMG and had combat skills. The only reason I gave in that day was to see my friends. I said I would do anything to see them again and I did. Now I'm a member of the survey crops. But in not aloud to leave Erwin's side and he still hasn't told me were my friends are.

We was riding on a carriage when "Wear this" Erwin handed me a green clouke. It had the wings of freedom logo on it. I put it on not asking any questions, "put up the hood and keep it like that unless I say" he looked serious while saying this."what why?"I asked I didn't know why I had to. But Erwin shouted "That's an order".

The carriage arrived at a castle looking building. "This way" Erwin said and we walked into the building. He took me to an office room, "Are my friends here?" I asked. He spun his head and looked at me angrily "is that all you care about?!" He shouted really loud. "Well yes that is the only reason I joined" I replied  staring him dead in the eye. "Well your friends are dead!" He yelled at the top of him voice. My legs were shaking but I managed to keep myself standing.   "N-no there no-not" I managed to say though many gaps. I walked out the door slamming it on the way out.

Levi's prospective
I was walking down the corner next to Erwins office. I didn't hear the whole conversation but I heard Erwin
Shouting "Your friends are dead!"I froze for a spilt second remembering my friends. I wonder who it is, when I heard foot steps coming to the door, I hid round a corner. All I got to see was someone wearing thier hood up.

The next day
" f/n we're going on a mission, get ready" Erwin left the room I sleep in. I got ready, I knew that I probably won't be able to use my ODM gear because I have to stay by Erwins side but I took it anyway. I walked out my room to find Erwin waiting for me. "creep" I said while passing him, i didn't look at him. I didn't want to."I said keep your hood up" he tried to pull my hood up from the back. But I pulled away and did it myself.

We got out to the front of the castle. "We're going on these" he handed me a horse. I took it and got it ready, "that one is yours now, on every mission you will use it". There was a short silance before he spoke again."you have to do what I say, alright?" I nodded my head while getting on my horse. After a while we started going.

After around 20 minuets, there was not much going on. "We're heading in the giant forest." He shouted so everyone could here. I had know clue who everyone is, they don't know who I am either. We were going into the forest when some flare started going of. We were heading deeper in anyway. Suddenly out of no were around 20 flares went of. Keep riding don't worry. I looked right at another team riding there was 6 titans in front and 2 behind of them.

I got my swords out,"what are you doing, put them away we are not fighting. You haven't even killed one before". I knew he was right. But I didn't reply jumped of my horse and headed over. Four of the front titans got killed by the support troops but they all got killed. Luckily there was only two and the front and back so I spun around to gain speed, cutting both titans down at the front. Then I went round to the back ones and did the same.

Levi's prospective
Just as I was about to order my squad to get their swords out. Someone came out of no were and killed all the titans in a matter of seconds."Wow that's amazing!" Petra said. I agreed inside but didn't show it. I looked back to see who it was. To my surprise it was the same person as yesterday. Why are they going back to Erwins squad?

Your prospective
I got back on my horse that was with Erwins team. I knew he would shout "what was you thinking they could have seen you?!" Confused I replied "who and why does it matter?" He jumped at what he just said and didn't reply.

Another squad member behind me said "That was incredible, why are you on this squad. You should be on that one" she said while pointing at the same team on are right. "Why?" I said curiously. "Because that's the strongest team. The L..."she tried to finish her sentence but was cut of almost instantly by Erwin shouting at her "Not now, focus on the task" she looked down."it's alright" I told her. She smiled, and we carried on our mission.

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