Chapter 40

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Historia was crowned queen just as planned and the citizens accepted her.

"Erwin was happy when we gave the syringe to him" I said as me and Levi walked down the hall.

"Did you see the look on his stupid face" Levi said with a small smile.

"By the way I never thanked you properly for saving me back in the cave. I thought I was gunna' be dead for sure. But then you appeared and I knew I was going to be just fine" I smiled. "Weather I lived or died it didn't really matter to me, because you was with me y'know"

He stopped walking and pulled me into a hug. "I would never let you die"

"I know" I sighed happily "and that's one of the many reasons I love you"

He glanced a gentle kiss on my forehead and muttered "I love you to brat"

There was a few footsteps echoing down the hall followed by the sounds of distant voices getting louder. We both turned to see Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Historia, Jean, Sasha and Connie all talking while they walked towards us.

"I wonder what they want" I muttered to myself.

They all stopped a few steps on front of us and Historia froze. She was shaking in fear and it looked like she was about to cry. Suddenly she screamed running up and hitting Levi's arm as hard as she could. It didn't even faze Levi or move him the slightest bit and I could tell the punch wasn't even strong.

She laughed awkwardly stepping backwards to a safe distance away "Did that hurt? Well I'm queen now so to bad, if you have a problem-" she began but was cut of when Levi let out a small laugh.

They all looked in shock like they had seen a ghost, I looked up at Levi in awe as he smiled at them and said "thanks you guys, I needed that"

He looked at me and I took his hand as we continued walking past them and down the hall.

"What!?" I heard Eren yell in shock behind us and I laughed looking back at them.

"I've never seen that before before!" Connie yelled.

"It was weird!" Sasha yelled as well.

"Shut up you brat's" he yelled back at them and we turned the corner, there shouting becoming distant now.

"What you smiling to yourself about?" He said looking down at me.

"Nothing" I laughed and he rolled his eyes knowing exactly what I was happy about. He was opening up to people.

Levi x Reader-lost friendWhere stories live. Discover now