beyond the horizon

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Erwin aloud us to get back to work, of corse Hanji jumped forward straight away with a job request.

We were to head out and protect Hanji as she confirms one of her theory's.

We set of on our horses heading to the gate. I was in a group with Levi, Eren, Armin, Mikasa, Sasha, Jean and Connie. This was the new levi squad, I wasn't fully conformable with it because of what happened in our last group.

"This is going to be amazing. Mummies coming my children" Hanji shouted.

"Shut up four eyes" Levi told her.

"Your insane" Connie muttered quietly. I let out a small laugh, Hanji pouted and mumbled rants under her breath.

"Let's go!" She snapped back into her usual cheerfull self.

We charged of though the gate, I heard a crunch behind me. I turned around and saw Hanji munching on a potato "What are you doing" I asked.

She looked at me in confusion "e-eating a potato" she said looking at it.

"She always does it, she eats in the most bizarre place" Armin smiled brightly.

"On the first day of training she did exactly this" Eren added smiling at me.

I got a slight glare of Mikasa before she looked ahead. 'What a wonderful group...' I laughed to myself.

One of the horses kept nieghing, I looked back and saw Jean's horse trying to lick him. He lent back so it's tongue couldn't get him.

Eren burst out laughing and so did everyone else. "Shut up titan!" Jean shouted at Eren.

"It probably thinks your it's mother, horse face!" Eren laughed, he was on the verge of tears.

I tried my best not to laugh and went to Levi's side. "How long are we going for" I asked him looking ahead.

"I'm not sure until Hanji finds an abnormal" He turned his head to me.

"Right, why can't she just use a normal titan" I sighed.

"Because she crazy" he rolled his eyes.

'Ugh' I replied and then the devil spoke.

"Stopppppp!" She yelled her group in front of us slightly.

"I think she's found one" I sighed in relief and sped up.

We got to her location "stay on your horses" Levi instructed.

Me and him both jumped of and went over to Hanji. She was standing by a titan with no legs on the floor crawling.

"Wow" her eyes sparkled as she walked around the titan. The titan was trying to grab me and Levi, Hanji went around and looked at its legs.

"Huh" she said inspecting it.

"Hanji?" I called over to her.

"The legs, there not regenerating..."

"So. Explain shirty glasses we don't understand crazy" Levi spoke angrily.

"That means... it never had any in the first place" Hanji stated scribbling notes down on a piece of paper.

"Crap" the titan nearly grabbed me, luckily Levi pulled me back.

"Hurry up moron" Levi shouted furious.

"Right we will drag this home!" Hanji instructed.

Levi wisteled and like dogs our squad came over, they started to tie up the titan.

Some thing weird caught my eye in the distance to the right. I slowly walked away from the group and stopped.

Levi walked over with his arms crossed "are you alright?" He asked worried looking at me.

I shook my head "yes but...look at that that" I said confused pointing of into the distance.

There was a small line of blue, a different one to the sky. It was only just noticeable, it was a slightly darker blue.

"Hanji" Levi called.

Hanji skipped over "wow! That's my name!" She said in disbelief.

"'Tch' shut up" he said not looking away from the 'thing'

Hanji hummed as if to say what did you want. I looked at her and pointed again "do you have any idea what that is?"

Hanji pushed up her glasses and looked it the direction, her eyes began to sparkle and she got her usual creepy smile. "I've heard about these" she claimed getting out her notebook once again.

I tilted my head confused as she flicked through the million pages. She stopped at one a nodded. "Right"

"Well tell us shitty glasses" Levi said impatiently.

"I believe it is a vast amount of water engulfing a huge area of land. It is written about in ancient historic books, by people long ago." Hanji said scribbling down are location.

"You mean it's like a giant lake?" I said stupidly.

Hanji nodded "yes, most prople claim it to be a mith but..." she looked back of into the distance.

"I know" I muttered "hey Armin" I shouted. He walked over with Wren and Mikasa.

We explained to him and he stood in shock. "Yes my grandfather owned a book, it had information written about it. If I remember correctly it is called the sea" he smiled sweetly.

"I remember you showing me that book, It said something about it being a dark blue colour. Yet you can see right through it" Eren claimed excitedly.

I looked at Levi and he nodded "I'll speak to Erwin about us going there for our next let's start heading back" he ordered and we did exactly that.

~time skip-half way home~

"Do you think he'll let us?" I honestly asked Levi.

"Yeah why wouldn't he" he said shrugging his shoulders.

"I don't know, well I mean... we will need to travel further than we've ever gone and we're the special ops squad, what if we're needed"

"Don't worry I'll sort something out, we're going and that's final" he ruffled my hair and smiled slightly.

I smiled back and nodded "right" and we carried on home.

'I can't want to see the sea, it's going to be amazing to see it with Levi...'

Hope you enjoyed
Go check out my other story's...if you want.
Love ya all

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