what was I thinking

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Me, Hanji, Levi, Eren, Mike and Erwin was all in a room after the court. I was staring out the window.

Erwin apologied to Eren about the event and said "I have the upmost expect for you Eren" raising hin hand to give a hand shake.

"Me to" Eren said with a shocked face and shook his hand. "Glad to be hear sir"

Erwin stood up glanced at me, he winked before walking out the room. Shivers went up my spine.

Just as Eren finished his sentence Levi sat on the couch next to him. Eren flinched "sir?"

"You don't resent me now do you?" Levitt said looking at Eren, I smiled to my self I knew he cared about what he did I thought to myself.

"N-no" Eren stuttered crossing his arms "I can see what you did was necessary, sir"

"Good" Levi said "then you understand" Levi looked at me, and I smiled slightly.

Hanji said that Levi might have gone to far that he even knocked his tooth out, unravelling Eren's tooth in a hanker-chief.

"You picked it up" Levi stated rolling his eyes and looking away "how discusting!"

Eren stared in shock, I smiled, holding back a small laugh.

Then Hanji disgustingly asked "Hey Eren! Let me take a look inside that mouth of yours!"

Eren hesitated for a moment before opening his mouth.

"Your tooth...it grew back" Hanji said before getting a small pad and pen from her pocked scribbling down notes.

"Huh" Levi said silently enough I only heard.

Silance filled the air once more before Mike said something "I smell someone"

And he was right someone I have never seen before came in "Hanji there's someone in your office looking for you."

Hanji sighed and got up "we'll take later Eren okay?"

Eren nodded worriedly before Hanji walked out the room with Mike following.

Levi stood up "Follow me" he told to Eren.

Eren stood up intently "Yes sir!"

I slid my hand across my face. Before following them both out the door, we walked down to the celled were Levi ordered "Get in the cell, this is were you sleep." His face in a stone cold position.

Levi waited until Eren got in, the after a few second he started to walk back up stairs.

I looked at Eren "Hey I'm sorry about this"

He looked at me, slightly surprised at me apologising "No, i-i understand"

I smiled at him and walked towards Levi was watching me at the stairs. "Let's go"

"Okay" I said walking forward.

We reached Levi's office were he told me "We are going to the new HQ tomorrow morning, make sure you have everything."

"Yes I have don't worry" I yawned helping him put away some papers.

"Don't worry about this" he said more like a order "go get some sleep"

I was about to say I'm fine but he gave me an angry look. I sighed and opened the door.

I looked back at him and smiled "goodnight".

He smiled slightly "you to".

I left the room thinking of Levi's smiling face he had an amazing smile, I wish he would smile more...I wish I could make him smile...What am I saying!

I shook of this thought when reaching my room. I fell asleep almost instantly.

Levi x Reader-lost friendWhere stories live. Discover now