It's official

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We began to continue the mission "I can see it clearly!" Hanji yelled excitedly.

When we got there we got of our horses and walked closer, the ground was soft and a yellow colour. Everyone was walking around with their mouths wide open.

~time skip:2 days later~

We had just arrived back at the HQ, Hanji and her squad got lots of new information she was extremely excited.

Erwin made an annocement saying that the mission was a success and more missions will take place their in the future.

Me and Levi were sitting in his office doing paperwork when Hanji burst through the door with her normal over exaggerated entrance.

"F/n! Shorty!" She yelled.

"What do you want now four-eyes?" Levi said annoyed.

"Ahh, I can't believe what happened!" She shouted excited.

Levi pinched the edge of his nose and sighed. "That was like a week ago now brat"

"Yes and I was thinking..." she grabbed my hands.

"Oh no, this isn't going to be good is it?" I laughed alkwardly.

"Can titans swim? Can they breath in water? What if there is some underwater fish titan? And Can titans eat normal human food?" She rambled out.

"Ugh, were did that last question come from?" I said shocked.

"Hehe, you know, when I was eating waffles" Hanji rubbed the back of her neck laughing.

Levi stood up "F/n are you coming?" He asked walking over to the door.

"Sure" I said following him.

We walked out of HQ and down to the stables. Levi and I got out our horses out and got on them.

"So where our we going?" I asked him.

"To a tea shop" he said bluntly, I laughed and he smiled slightly.

When we got to the town we got of our horses and walked them to a place we can tie them up.

We heard people wispering 'isn't that Levi and f/n humanity's strongest duo!" A girl said.

Another girl giggled and said "i heard they were a couple"

'A couple...' I looked at Levi and looked at the ground embarrassed.

"What?" He said with the same expression.

"N-nothing" I stuttered trying to avoid his eyes.

"Oh..." he said then he grabbed me by my chin to face him and pulled me close to him by my waist.

My eyes widened in shock, Levi has never done something like this before expecially in public.

He chuckled and let me go "you should have seen your face" he said emotionless but I could tell he was amused.

"Don't tease me" I muttered but he heard it and smirked before we went into a Tea shop.

"Goodmorning Levi sir" a waiter said. Levi nodded his head and led me to a table to sit at.

"They know you here" I said not entirely surprised.

"Yes" he said sitting next to me.

"Why doesn't that surprise me" I joked.

Then the waiter came over and we ordered.

"Do you come here 's lot then"

"Yeah, mostly when Hanji is stressing me out"

"She is a crazy one" I laughed.

"Crazy? She fucking insane" he said harshly.

I laughed and the tea's arrived, Levi moved closer to me. At first I didn't notice until our legs were touching.

I was a little embrassed, 'why is he like this today, not that I don't like it but... he's never like it something must be bothering him'

"What are you thinking about" he said interrupting my thoughts.

"Huh oh nothing" I tried to lie.

"F/n" he said seriously.

I sighed ""

He tilted his head and sipped his tea "what about me?"

"There is something bothering you, isn't there?"

He put his tea down "why do you think that?"

"Well your just acting different"

He looked down at his cup then up at me "it's because of you" he said coldly.

"M-me" I muttered 'have I done something wrong? Please tell me I haven't hurt him...'

He nodded and stared at me "it's because I don't want to lose you, not again" he muttered only loud enough to hear.

I was shocked by what he said I just didn't reply. He placed a hand on my cheak and came closer to me.

I didn't know what to do until his lips were on mine, I closed my eyes and kissed him back.

He pulled away with a smirk "we should do that more" he said getting up leaving me frozen.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me up "well come on then" we paid for our food and got back on the horses.

"I haven't asked you officially so...will you be my girlfriend?" He asked making the second part a little quieter than the other part.

I had a huge smile "of corse I will brat" I laughed pretending to be him.

He shock his head with a slight smile "good because I wouldn't have took no as an answer"

"Well I would never have said it" I laughed as we arrived.

We put back our horses and went inside. Sasha ran past us with a potato being chased by Conny with a potato peeler.

I rolled my eyes and Levi sighed we went into the cafeteria and sat down on a table. Eren, Mikasa and Armin asked and sat down with us.

"Apparently there's a lot of titan activitie near the West side of the outer wall" Eren said continuing what ever conversation they were having.

"Yes they are moving the canon's there to get rid of them" Armin said.

Hope you Enjoyed
Love ya all

hanks for over 600 reads!!!

Levi x Reader-lost friendWhere stories live. Discover now