Chapter 32

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Thanks you all for your support... and patience😅 in this story. It really means a lot so I hope you enjoy this chapter.
It's carrying from we're we left off.
It follows the story so there's going to be spoilers... also please don't comment spoilers xx

"Try not to walk clustered together. We'll stand out. Eren and Historia just act normal" Levi said to the group as we walked are way through the streets. We needed to keep to our selfs to not draw in attention from the surrounding people.

Some of the military police where talking loudly to a group of citizens about the king handing out rations. But we ignored it carrying on our journey unnoticed.

It was quiet, none of us really exchanged many words during our walk. Until suddenly Levi stopped making us all look at each other in confusion.

"Behind us, look out!" He said his voice raised but without shouting.

We all ducked out of the way as a wagon drove passed us. Two men in the back of the wagon grabbing Armin and Jean at the same time as they passed, mistaking the two as Historia and Eren.

"Armi-" Sasha called out before cutting herself off. "Ugh, I mean. Christa and Eren. Those bastards are running off with them!" She corrected herself.

"The plan worked perfectly" I muttered.

"Tch, idiots" Levi said clicking his tongue as we rose to our feet once again.

Mikasa ran off as planned, going to follow the wagon and rescue Armin and Jean before the truth was discovered.

"You know what to do, F/n Your with me" Levi announced and I followed his lead as he took off on his ODM gear.

We landed onto of a roof, "I really hope this plan works, horse-face really looks nothing like Eren" I sighed running a hand through my hair.

"Yeah, well there's not much we can do know. We've just got to see how this unfolds" Levi shrugged carelessly.

Soon enough Mikasa landed on the other side of the roof.

"How's everything going inside?" Levi asked her without even turning to face her.

"If we wait very much longer they're gunna' see through Armin's disguise... he's getting pured at" (a word I have no clue how to spell...sorry) Mikasa explained, I could hear the worry in her voice. I knew she wanted to run in and help him. But right now, she couldn't.

"Poor Armin" I whispered to myself, feeling sorry for him.

"Yeah" Mikasa agreed "How's your leg, any better?" She asked Levi.

"I can move well enough. Now then" he replied brushing the question off with ease "did you notice, these kidnappers are obviously rank amateurs. Why wouldn't they use professionals for a job like this?... You can handle the rest on your own, I'm gunna' make my way to Eren. Come meet up with me when your done taking out the trash here"

"Yes sir" she repiled.

"I'm gunna' stay to help you" I told Mikasa. Levi looked at me and I could tell he wanted me to stay with him but I knew that Mikasa might need some help.

"Be careful and make sure the bastards pay" He said after a few moments of silence and I smiled replying "you too and I will"

He said a few more words before leaving towards Eren and Christa.

"Thanks for staying to help" she said as she stood up from her crouched position.

Me and Mikasa snuck into the building and hid behind one of the many crates that were in here. We waited for the perfect moment before nodding at each other. I ran up to the guard and punched him in the back of the head. He instantly dropped to the floor with a loud thud.

"F/n! Mikasa!" Armin said sounding relieved that we came.

Mikasa began untying Armin and I did the same for Jean.

"Thank you" he said and I smiled "no problem.

"More men are on there way" Armin told us.

"Okay" I muttered. "Stay there, keep your hands were they are so it looks like your still tied up" I told them.

Mikasa carried on explaining already catching onto what my plan was "when they arrived me and F/n will take them out"

"O-Okay" Armin nodded a little worried still.

Me and Mikasa both hid opposite each other on top of the crates near to the only entrance. The door opened and we watched quietly as a few men walked deeper into the room.

They spoke amongst them self before me and Mikasa both jumped out of our hidding and knocked all the men out before they even had time to react. Armin and Jean both jumped up grabbing the rob they had been tied up with and restrained the kidnappers.

"Hey!" Connie's voice was heard from above.

"Connie are these four all of them!" Mikasa yelled up to Connie who had poked his head through a window.

"Yeah, that's all!" He shouted back "no one else in the area"

Sasha shot an arrow as the man Mikasa held down tried to pull out his gun. "Nice shot" I shouted to her as she flashed a bright grin before her expression turned serious again. "Move again and you won't like we're the next shot hits"

"Alright first we need to get these guys secured then we meet up with the captain" Mikasa said getting to her feet.

"What do you mean?" Armin asked confused.

"Those are his orders" she told them.

"I thought you would be with the captain F/n" Sasha said jumping down from the crate to help tie up the men.

"I stayed here to help, I know he can take care of himself" I said shrugging, but I couldn't shake a weird feeling I had. Something wasn't right, maybe I should've stayed with Levi after all.

"I'm gunna go find him actually" I said quickly getting up "you finish off here" I told them and they nodded and Connie shouted "we'll join you as soon as we can!"

I quickly took off on my gear and went towards were I knew Levi would be.


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