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It was early when we was woke up I had a quick shower and got ready.

I met Levi and the rest of my squad outside, we all got into carriages and horses. We started heading to the castle, the Levi squad rode there on horses.

Levi said it was the old HQ and it was located a little way away from the trost district.

Ouro was boasting about how the place was old and things. Levi didn't say much on the way there. This wasn't that weird, as he doesn't normally speak much when other people are around, but something felt off.

Ouro was getting in Eren's face trying to act like Levi like usual. Until he bit his tongue, Petra laughed "if you didn't talk so much you wouldn't have bit your tongue would you!"

Petra looked at Levi after saying this for some kind of positive reaction to her 'smart comment'. But Levi looked the other way, she then looked as if it was my fault. Before looking forward.

We reached the castle, we put away our horses and then walked over to the dirty old castle with Levi. He looked in discussed, I already knew what he was planning, damn that clean freak.

He ordered everyone to clean parts of the castle, I decided to help Eren clean out were we would be sleeping, Levi was downstairs cleaning another room.

There was around 8 rooms, I looked at Eren. "So what ones do you wanna clean?" I asked.

He held the back of his next and pointed "um, I guess I'll clean these four"

"Alright" I said heading into the first room. I knew exactly how to clean them to Levi's standards, that's what I get for living with him for years.

I finished up mine and went to Eren who was cleaning out his last room.
He looked at me "are you finished?" He asked widening his eyes.

I smiled "yeah, do you want some help?"

He shook his head, all he wants to do is impress Levi I laughed to my self.

While cleaning a surface "Captin f/n, if you dont mind me asking, why is Levi always angry. I asked you because you seem close, that's all"

I was shocked by his comment."Um, that story can be for a different day, and please don't call me Captin it sounds wierd." I laughed "You missed a spot." I smiled pointing to some dust.

It took around another five minuets for him to 'finish'. I knew it was not good enough, but Levi told me to not help him, people must learn how to clean themself's. 

"So you think your done?"

"Y-yes, sorry for asking you that question earlier" he  said looking down.

"It's alright, let's go tell Levi were done."

When we got to the room Petra was sweeping the floor and Levi was cleaning the window ledge. Petra was staring at Levi the whole time she swept, which for some reason made me really angry.

Eren sighed and bravely walked in "I'm done with the upstairs sir"

I waited in the doorway, Levi turned around looking at Eren coldly and then quickly sharing a look at me.

Eren asked were he would be sleeping.

But then Levi replied "your sleeping quarter's are in the celler"

"The celler" Eren muttered looking to his feet.

"What was that, Jaeger?" Levi said in a deeper voice then usual.

Eren jumped back before repling "eh...n-nothing sir"

It's are safest option, your abilities are far from being controlled, you might go titan in your sleep." He went on saying how Eren needs to be looked up to stay safe.

Eren stared dumbfounded at Levi. "I'll check your work" he said walking out the room.

I turned to look at him walking of and looking back at me nodding once.

Petra started talking which scared Eren as he didn't expect it. She sated rambling.

Until I heard her say "up close and personal caption Levi doesn't seem like the Hero he's cracked up to be..."

She said more which made me twitch out of anger. She went on saying roumers about "story goes he was quite the rouge before joining the scouts"

Eren looked like he had just seen a ghost."How the h-hell did he, I mean..."

"No clue! Folks talk but who knows who really brought him hear right...the most popular version involves Erwin they say he dragged him to the scouts kicking and screaming"

I walked out from around the corner peering at Petra, before making eye contact with Eren "Hey Eren, don't listen to roumers. Believe me when I say that's definitely not how it played out" I giggled.

Eren stared at me before looking behind me at Levi who was standing behind me with a hand on my shoulder.

I smiled and he looked at me then Eren "your cleaning is terrible, back up stairs now."

Levi looked at Eren coldly and then at Petra who is pretending to sweep. Even though she's been in the same place for ten minuets.

Eren and Petra quickly left the room. I stood over by the window looking out at the sky that was soon to start setting.


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