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Continued end of flashback
I sat clenching my fists, staring into my lap.

"F-f/n? Are you alright?" Petra asked worriedly, probably regretting her actions.

Levi put his hand on one of my fists under the table. When I looked at him he looked extremely angry. He put his head up and glared at Petra intensely.

She started shaking, my fist slowly unclenched and Levi's warm touch.

"I'm s-sorry I didn't think you had a bad past"

"No i-its all my fault anyway, I'm going to get some fresh air." I standed

I walked out the room quickly my eyes filling with tears, I wipped them before they could fall.

I stood outside and pulled a small bag out my pocket. I opened the bag and held the object in my hand. I stared at it for a moment, it was Levi's mothers necklaces he gave to me ages ago. I always carried it, but I never wore it I felt like I didn't deserve to.

"F/n" Levi followed me, "are you alright?" He looked into my eyes. He's eyes showed pain, worry and anger.

I nodded and closed the necklace in my hand.

He looked down and grabbed my hand in his. With one of his hands holding the bottom of mine. The other untied my fingers from the necklace.

He paused for a brief second and told the necklace, he looked at it deeply.

He walked behind me and put the necklace over my head, clipping the back up.

Tears filled my eyes, and I held the necklace on my neck "L-levi...I..."

Levi looked into my c/e eyes with his silver ones. "You kept it" he muttered.

"Of corse I did, you was the first person I met that was nice to me, other than my father. you ment so much to me than...and now" I wisperd with a shaking voice.

He stepped towards me and hugged me tight, I hugged him back blushing heavily. He buried his head in my shoulder, and I felt him smile softly.

"Thank you f/n" he said "I promise to protect you forever" he then wisperd, I think I wasn't serpose to hear but I did.

He pulled away slowly sighed "we should probably get back"

I nodded blushing heavily, I looked at him, he was blushing a small pink so adorable, what am I thinking? I promised my self I'll never love someone ever. But...I's Levi.

Levi x Reader-lost friendWhere stories live. Discover now