Our history-the truth

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This is set before Isabel introduced f/n to Levi and Farlon. She never knew you had ment before. And decided to not tell anyone, to move on and have a fresh start. Enjoy😊

I clenched my fist once again. I had a flashback to the day i had lost everything and to the day me, Levi really met for the first time.

I woke up on the streats, when I was young, in my father's arms.
My mother was killed by miltary police for trying to steal medicine.

I always blamed my self for my mother's death and I still do, after all she was trying to get the medicine for me.

I was always a very ill child, my mother and father did everything to keep me alive.

My father had always been there for me, and he was the only family I had. I looked at his bony face, "Dad" I shook him to wake him up.

"Mhh" he yawned and got up "yes princess".

I handed him food "eat it, it's yummy!"

"No its okay, you eat it" he said pushing my hands away.

"I have already ate!" I lied. But he just looked right through me.

"Princess I told you to eat it" he said sternly. "You need to be a big strong girl"

I laughed at put the food in a broken crate besides us.

"Daddy! Daddy! Can I go play with them kids?" I asked.

"You know you can't" he grabbed my shoulders and held me tight "remember f/n no one can be trusted, everyone is dangerous and they will be mean to you okay"

"B-but I trust you daddy!" I smiled hugging him tight.

He didn't reply and hugged me back, "now let's go on a walk shall we"

Dad picked up the food placing it in a bag we carry, he held my hand and we began walking.

We we're looking for a quiter place to sleep. But when we turned down a dark ally, we bumped into some thugs.

"What do we have here?" One of the huge men said.

Daddy shoved me behind his back "I'm sorry we aren't looking for no trouble, we'll just leave"

The dirty man looked at me, "already? Guys!"

Suddenly three men came charging towards us. One of the men kicked me to the side and I hid a wall, laying on the floor. They started beating my dad on the floor, he was to weak to fight back.

My head began to spin from it crashing against the wall. "Dad!" I tried to shout.

He was screaming in pain. "Shut up old man someone will hear us" one of the thugs said.

I watched as my dad was beat and him to deaf. Then on of the thugs began to walk over to me grinning stupidly. He kicked me and then grabbed my hair pulling my face towards him.

I screamed in pain and began to feel lightheaded. Suddenly I heard someone running and they appeared around the corner.

My vision was going blurry so I couldn't see much, but I saw figures fighting. Then I felt my front half be raised, someone was in front of me.

"Are you alrght" all I could see was a black haired boy kneeling in front of me before I blacked out.

I woke up and opened my eyes why am I in so much pain. All of a sudden I remembered what happened "Dad!" I shouted sitting up. "Ahh!" I moaned falling back down from pain.

"Don't move, your save now" I held my hurting side. And saw the same boy in front of me.

"I'm Levi" he smiled "this is my uncle Kenny"

"L-levi and Kenny" I repeated quitely. I began to cry and thanked them for saving me.

Levi held my hand "it's okay, I'm glad we could help"

I stayed with them for a couple of days until...

"F/n, we need to get you medicine as Levi insists"

I nodded and smiled at Levi, as he walked up to me.

"Put your hand out" he instructed. Shyly I did what he said and he handed me a necklaces. "It was my mother's, I want you to have it" He smiled slightly.

"Thank you it's beautiful"

"Let's go" Kenny shouted impatiently. Levi nodded.

I went with Kenny to steal pain killers for me. Levi had to do something else, so he didn't come.

"F/n quickly" Kenny shouted.

"I-im trying"

"You stupid bitch, if we didn't have to get this fucking shit for you then we wouldn't have nearly got caught!" He slapped me.

I stumbled back a couple of steps. "I-im sorr-"

I was cut of by him shouting at me "oh for heavens sake, stop saying sorry you useless bitch!"

I ran away he's right I am usless, I'm not strong, I couldn't protect my dad or my mum! I kept running ferther and ferther until I got lost. "I'm never going back there, I'm going to get strong and never let myself love anyone ever again!" I yelled to myself.

Flashback end

Sorry this was quite long
Hope you Enjoy the story so far 💖

Had to update because autocorrect weirdly changed Kenny's name to Claude. Idk why.

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