By my side

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I've changed my writing style. I think it better this way. Enjoy!
Hanji and Erwin had left and I was in a room alone with Levi.

"Where are the others, I can't wait to see you all again!" I said looking at Levi.

Levi looked at the floor and clenched him fist before telling me that they died in their first mission together. Tears filled my eyes but I knew I had to be strong, for Levi.

"It's alright" I said with my voice shaking "it's not your fault, I know you blame yourself...but at least they finally got to come to the surface"

Levi nodded I know he was upset but was just trying not to show it.

"Let's get you moved squad" he said after a moment while walking to the door.

"Alright" I said while following after him.

We went to another room were he told me to wait. Not even five minuets pasted before he came back.

"What's that?" I asked, looking at the paper In his hands.

"This is the papers to get you changed to my squad" he replied I'm his monotoned voice.

"Okay thanks" I said while looking around the room.

"What is it?" He asked staring at me standing behind a desk.

"Huh, Oh by any chance is this your office?" I laughed.

"And so what if it is?" He said sitting at his desk.

I laughed again before replying "knew it, you've always been a clean freak"

He gave a small smile until there was a knock at the door and it quickly disappeared. A soldier came in.

"Sorry to interrupt Sir but dinner is being served".
The soldier said, I could see a little fear in his eyes as he spoke. I looked at Levi who nodded his head before standing up. He's really made an impression here I thought, before they were cut of by Levi.

"F/n, are you coming?" Levi asked waiting my response.

"I'd love to!" I replied.

On the way to the caffeteria soldiers saluted Levi as he walked passed. I laughed to my self everytime as he paid no attention to it. We got our food and sat down, it seemed that all important people/captins sat on a table together. So it was a little alkward to sit on it, expecially because Erwin was on it too.

"Oh Levi! You would help out your good friend in a time of need, wouldn't you!" Hanji exclaimed clapping her hands together.

Levi sighed "who said we were friends four eyes"

Hanji ignored his comment and went on with what she was saying "Great! Knew you would. I need you to help me capture some new test subjects!"

Levi rolled his eyes and sipped his tea.

Hanji then snapped her head in my direction "you will help me right f/n?"

I paused for a second knowing I probably should not agree, before coming up with a question to avoid  the question. "Well w-what do you test?"

Hanjis eyes light up suddenly as she jumped to her feet, with a huge, slightly creepy, smile "Titans of corse!...So you have to, in the name of science!"

"Shut up you maniac, what are you planning" Levi said sighing once more he knew he had no way out of it anyway.

Hanji had planned everything already to the final detail so the mission was set for tomorrow.

Levi x Reader-lost friendWhere stories live. Discover now