Chapter 34

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Levi's perspective

'That stupid brat. She better be okay' I thought to myself and I headed for the wagon. I finally managed to get away from Kenny, but it was a close one. I heard the wagon and headed for it. I saw F/n standing on the wagon her sword pointed towards the girl driving it. But she fell to her knees, "What the hell!?"

"F/n!" I yelled in horror as she passes, her body falling limply on the wagon next to Eren and Historia.

Two more people landed on the wagon to guard them. I increased my speed. "F/n, I'll save you. I promise" I muttered to myself feeling anger was over me.

Wires were shot behind me so I spun around to see a man pointing his gun at me.

'I don't have time for you bastard!' I yelled in my head shooting my hook into his chest and slicing my blades cleanly through his skin.

I landed on the side of the building and notice the rest of the squad had finally arrived. "Follow the wagon!" I ordered them and they did so. "Listen up these soldiers where trained to fight other people, they've already taken out three of ours. They've captured three as well. If you hesitate for so much as a second you'll be dead. The moment you see an opening go for the kill" I told them.

Mikasa was the only one to reply saying "yes sir" I knew she will be able to get shit done, but the others I'm not so sure about.

"Armin secure the wagon with Jean, we'll keep you to covered!" I ordered after I killed one of the men in the wagon.
Please. Don't fail me. I need her back.

Armin and Jean landed on the wagon and Mikasa knocked the driver out of her seat. Armin took her place while Jean pointed his sword at her. 'Damn it Jean, kill her!' I yelled in my head turning to focus on killing the men that were trying to guard the wagon.


I turned my head to see Armin had shot the girl dead saving Jean. I never though Armin had it in him, once F/n's safe again. I might have to thank him...

"Shit Armin! Jean!" I yelled snapping out of my thoughts as I grabbed Jean pulling him out the way. Sasha doing the same for Armin as more of Kenny's men arrived. They recaptured the wagon just in time as it left through the gate in the wall.

Mikasa went to follow but I held her back. I wanted to go just as much as her, maybe even more. But I knew we couldn't. We didn't have enough gas and there was too many of them...

"Let them go, we're running on fumes!" I yelled to her.

"No! Eren!" She yelled struggling to get passed me but it didn't work. "They've got F/n as well do you not care!"

"Of corse I fucking do!" I snapped making her eyes widen as she stepped back. She was probably shocked because I showed my anger but at this point I didn't care. I just want her back. Safe. "But I'm not reckless. We can't go even if we want to, we've ran out of gas" I finished my voice going back to its original full tone as I walked away from her.


Hanji's Perspective
I sighed closing the door. Before letting out my anger by kicking the table. "I'm sorry, seems I made a mess. I encountered a large cockroach" I said as Levi stood at the stairway.

"I see well as hard as you kicked it I bet it learned its lesson" he said bluntly going to walk away again.

But I stopped him saying "wait Shorty!"

He sighed turning his head to me and glaring. I starred at the floor and said "I heard the took F/n as well"

"That's correct" he stated coldly.

I walked over and stood in front of him. I pulled him into a hug, he didn't hug back but I didn't let go "your trying to hide it, but everyone can tell... you want her back"

"So what? Maybe I do, why's that a problem?" He said lowly.

I sighed and let go of him as he glared at me "it's not, we'll get her and the other two back. I promise"

"We better" he muttered under his breath.

"Do you know why they would want her?" I asked and he clenched his fist.

"It's only Kenny who wants her. I know it is. That bastard. He's doing it on purpose" Levi said punching the wall to his side hard enough to make his hand start bleeding.

"I'm guessing you don't have a good past with this man. He must know about your relationship with F/n and he's captured her to use her as some kind of a bate..." I muttered to myself.

He turned away and changing the subject saying "it's your turn to fill them in"

"Oh yeah sorry... I guess I might as well" I shrugged.

For the very few people that are still reading this thank you
I love you all❤️

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