see you again

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After the mission-base
The mission just ended and we arrived at the Base. Lots of scouts where going up the long path of the castle. I was at the far end of the path. I finished putting my horse away, while everyone else was still doing it. I stood on the path up to the castle to see get better look.

I looked down to see... My friend was standing at the other side of the path. I took my hood down, his attention was instently caught. We was just staring at each other, it was Levi h-he isn't dead. We were just stearing at each other not knowing what to do. Does he even remember me? All these questions were going through my mind until...

Erwin grabbed my arm and pulled me away. I didn't look at him my eyes were still glued to Levi's.

Levi's prospective
Hanji called me over, just after I put my horse back. I walked over to her, she was standing in front of the castle "What do you want four-eyes?". She starter drooling and jumping "how many were there?!" She asked with a huge smile on her face. But just as I was about to say something, out the corner of my eye caught my attention. The hooded person was at the other side of the path.

They looked like they were pulling there hood down. I looked over and their face was uncovered. I was shocked to see it was f/n, she was alive. Erwin told me she died! I don't know what to do. We're just staring at each other, Hanji was talking but I couldn't hear her anymore. Suddenly Erwin grabbed f/n by the arm and angrily pulled her. I couldn't do anything I was still in shock, that I was just watching her leave.

Your prospective
Erwin dragged me around the back of the castle and through a different exit. He took me to his office, "what was you thinking?!" He shouted. "He's alive, levi's alive" I said under my breath. "Why won't you let me see him?" I asked confusingly. "Because he's not the same person anymore, he's changed" Erwin replied slamming his fist on the desk.

Suddenly someone opened the door, it was Levi. "Your alive?" He said looking at me with a shocked face. I nodded and said "I've been searching for you everywere". Erwin stepped towards Levi "what are you doing?" He said. "You told me she was dead!" Levi said with an angry expression. "No in fact we never caught her" Erwin said with a smirk. They both made a fist, I knew this wouldn't end well. Erwin went to punch Levi but just in time I jumped in the way.

His punch sent me flying into the wall. Erwin and Levi both looked shocked. I sat up and when my vision wasn't blurry anymore I looked up to see Levi crouching in front of me."f/n are you alright? What was you thinking?" He asked."I wasn't thinking" I smiled. He grabbed my hand and pulled me so I was standing.

A girl came running though the door joyfully "Erwin we have new scouts!"
She told him."Hello Levi, and I've never seen you before I'm Hanji, its nice to meet ya!" she stepped towards us as she spoke."I'm f/n l/n" I said. Hanji smiled and said "what squad are you on, do you get to see titans?!" Before I could say I was on Erwin's squad, Levi answered "f/n is in my squad". I jumped at what Levi said, Hanji smiled "alright I've got to go, Erwin this way!"

Levi x Reader-lost friendWhere stories live. Discover now