Chapter 39

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"So we're meant to be looking for dead, alive or injured people right?" I said looking up at Levi as we walked.

"Yeah something like that" he nodded.

"It's weird holding a gun" I said looking down at it in my hands. "I'm only use to a knife. Or a sword obviously" I laughed

"I know what you mean" He said looking down at his own gun.

"Captain Levi!" A scout yelled out running over.

"What" Levi said turning around. "You look like your gunna' shit yourself" he joked making me laugh. The scout looked at me and I pretended to cough while averting my gaze.

"We found Kenny Ackerman, he's still alive!" He told us quickly.

"Take us to him. Now" Levi ordered him.

"I-it's this way" the scout pointed directing us to follow him and we did so.

"He looks like shit" Levi said as we saw him in the distance.

"You can say that again" I agreed.

"Kenny" Levi said as we walked up to him. He had his eyes closed laying basically lifeless under a tree. He was bloodied and burnt.

"Awe shit, not you again"  He said coughing up blood.

"We found what's rest of your squad" Levi told him bluntly "it looks like they were crushed in the cave in, I guess you was the only surviver"

"Sure looks that way" Kenny replied.

"Report back we're fine alone" Levi said after a brief moment of silence towards the scout who brought us here.

"Do you want me to go to?" I whispered to him and he shook his head.

"Understood sir" the scout said running off almost immediately.

"Between the burns and the blood you've lost theirs nothing that can save you now" Levi pointed out the obvious.

"Oh yeah? I wonder" Kenny said pulling out something from his pocket. He placed it on the floor open, showing a syringe that was used to turn someone into a titan.

"Swiped this right out of Rod's bag back in the cave. Seems like if I just stick myself I'll turn into a big strong titan... one of the dumb ones, unfortunately. But for a while it ought to keep me alive" he spoke

"But you won't" I said after there was a long silence.

"What makes you so sure?" he said looking up at me making me roll my eyes.

"You had the time and strength to inject your self before we got here if you wanted to" Levi explained "so why didn't you?"

"Fair point. I guess I'm just scared, if I don't inject it right, then I might turn out the same as Rod. All messed up like" he said shrugging it off

"I know your not sitting here waiting to bleed to death. Surely you have a better excuse than that" Levi said looking down at him with pity.

"Well runt thing is, I don't feel like dying without my dream coming true. But, I see now, after all this time, I think I see why he did it" Kenny said not making sense.

"Huh" Me and Levi said at the same time not knowing what he was talking about.

He started laughing making me and Levi look at each other. He finally spoke saying "we humans, were all the same, every one of us. For some it's drinking, for some it's women, for some even religion. Family, the king, their dreams, children, power. All of us had to spend our life's drunk on something, or else we would have no cause to keep pushing on. Everyone was a slave to something, even him" Kenny said before coughing up a lot of blood. "So what's your poison runt? For you two It's probably each other" he laughed coughing on more blood.

"Kenny tell me everything you know about the King" Levi said seriously grabbing him by the shoulders forcing Kenny to look at him. "The first king, why didn't he want mankind to survive

"Dunno', it beats me. That said I know that's part of the reason we Ackerman's decided to turn co-"  Kenny said getting cut

"So apparently that's my name too. Tell me who are you? What were you until my mum?" Levi asked him wanting answers.

Kenny laughed telling him "dumbass, I'm just her brother"

"That day. Why? Why did you leave me?" Levi asked in shock at this new information.

I just stood back not saying anything. I didn't want to get in there way.

"Because I just wasn't cut out... to be someone's dad" Kenny said weakly looking down. He picked up the case he previously placed on the floor and handed it to Levi, forcing him to take it.

"Kenny" Levi muttered looking at his now lifeless face.

I placed my hand gently on Levi's shoulder. After a second he looked up and me and stood up. "Do you need a second?" I asked in a quiet voice.

He shook his head "no let's just go report this to Erwin" he said showing me the case the syringe was in.

"Right" I nodded and we began walking. "At least we did get that"

"Yeah the bastard actually did something useful with his life" Levi joked with a small smile making me smile just at the sight of it.

"You should smile more" I laughed.

"Yeah yeah, whatever brat" he said rollin his eyes.

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