New/Old friends

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When it was getting late I headed back to my room. I got out of my uniform and into my comfortable clothes. I fell onto my bed and looked up at the ceiling.
It felt weird to look up at a ceiling again. Today was a crazy day I found out that two of my best friends are dead. Tears filled my eyes, at the relief of knowing the finally got what they dreamed of but also the thought that I would never be able to see them again. I fell asleep thinking such thoughts.

I woke to it still being dark. I decided to get in the shower and get into my uniform. By the time I did this the sun was rising, then I heard someone coming around and knocking on doors to wake people up.

They knocked on my door and said "wake up and get ready when you've done that wait by the horses"

I wasn't hungry when I woke up, I guess it's because I'm use to not eating in the mornings, so I went on my way to the horses. But on my way there Levi stopped me."f/n" he said
I looked in his direction

"Why are you ready so early?" He asked reading a piece of paper.

"Oh, I just woke up early" I replied as he walked over to me "what's that?"

"Its the formation Hanji and Our squad will be using" he said while handing me the paper.

By the time we got to the horses Levi had already helped me learn the layout. We started feeding all the horses so that they were ready to go.

"So how does Hanji plan on capturing a titan anyway?" I asked curiously.

Levi shrugged his shoulders and said "She plans to lead it into a trap, weird titan loving freak".

I laughed; then the squad's both came outside. They came over to us and Levi handed Hanji the map, before he started getting the horses out.

"F/n are you going to learn the formation?" Hanji asked while she started to roll out the plan, with everyone gathering around her.

"Thanks but I've already memorised it" I said while helping Levi with the horses.

After we finished with the horses, everyone had finished learning where they needed to go anyway. We all got on our horses, I was positioned on the left of another girl in the second row behind Levi.

"Let's go get me some titans!". Hanji yelled before everyone took of.

I felt someone tap me on the shoulder to the the right, when I looked over it was the girl.

"Hey" she said "I'm Petra, let's be friends, yeah?" While putting her hand out to shake mine.

I hesitated for a second before shaking her hand "I'm f/n, I'd be happy to" I said. It hurt me to say that as 'they' were my only friends up till now. But I also didn't want to hurt her feelings, so I accepted.

"Great, this is Ouro, Gunther and Eld" she said while looking at the people round her.

I smiled as they waved.
Suddenly the gates began to open...

Levi x Reader-lost friendWhere stories live. Discover now