Chapter28-the return!

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I took a deep breath as we arrived at the entrance of the forest. "Stay close and keep you guard up" Levi said and everyone said "yes sir"

We rode into the forest keeping our speed. "Captin is that?!" Eren shouted pointing to the top of the trees in front of us. The titan was there waiting and staring at us ready to attack.

"Switch to the gear!" Levi shouted and we all jumped of our horse's.

'I'll get revenge for Hanji' I thought to myself.

I landed on a branch and waited for Levi's orders he told us to detract it and Eren to stay away.

Everyone took of beginning to detract it. I saw Levi look at me while I was flying around and we both nodded. In unison we spun around full speed and sliced all the way up the titans arms. We kept slicing all over the titan until it litrally fell to peaces.

So much smoke and blood filled the air that it was hard to see anything. I heard footsteps as people began to land. There was a small wistle followed by horses hoves meaning the horses would arrive shortly.

I began to walk towards the sound of were the wistle came from when I stopped staring in pain and surprise.

I fell to the floor finding Hanji laying unconcous. I placed her hand in my mine and tried to hold back my tears.

'That's right she never really was eaten, more just swallowed whole. Wait... does that mean she could still b-!'

I tried to find her pulse but I was shaking to much that I couldn't feel anything, I put my head near where her heart is so I could listen to her heartbeat.



My head shot up and I stared in disbelief "Levi!" I yelled.

He turned up in an instent with blades out, ready. He put his blades away slowly making his way closer staring at Hanji's body.

He knelt down but in a way that he didn't touch the floor.

He looked up at me and then back at Hanji, the other members arrived.

"Is that Hanji!" Eren exclaimed.

"Yes and she still alive get a messenger to send a carriage!" I yelled and Eren got on his horse riding of.


Within 5 minutes he was back with Ewrin and a carriage. Levi and I carefully picked her up placing her gently in the carriage.

It didn't look like she was injured, luckily. On the way back me and Levi decided to sit in the same carriage and have someone take our horses back.

I put my head in my hands that was on my knees. I glanced over at Levi who looked completely exhausted.

"Why don't you try go to sleep" I said looking at him.

He sighed and closed his eyes "I can't, what if we get attacked?"

"I'll be hear to wake you up" I smiled slightly.

He moved closer to me and pit his head on my shoulder. "Oi..."

"What's up?" I asked placing my arms around him.

"What's up?" I asked placing my arms around him

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"Ewrin had a conversation with me..."

"Yeah I remember" I wispered telling him to go on.

"Well, he said he knows your my girlfriend" he muttered.

I slightly blushed at him calling me his girlfriend, I just still can't believe it!

"I guess he wasn't to happy" I said resting my head on his.

"Yeah...but I don't care. I love you F/n" he said.

"I love you to Levi, I always have" I smiled hugging him closer.

There was a moment of silence until I spoke quietly looking at Hanji "do you think she'll be okay"

"Yes, it's Hanji. She somehow managed to survive a titan's stomach" he said taking my hand into his and intertwining our fingers.

"Your right" I smiled praying she wakes up when we get back.


Me and Levi sat outside of the room Hanji was in. She was being treated by some doctors so we had to wait outside.

One of the doctors came out and we both lent of the wall standing up straight.

"She hasn't woken up but she's stable" the doctor said with a bright smile.

I sigh relief smiling to myself, "let's go" Levi said softly putting a hand on my shoulder. I nodded and we both went in to see Hanji peaceful.

It's not like her personality Hanji's always jumping around and shouting. Seeing her helpless just kills me, I never want to lose her again she's my best friend.

We both sat on chairs on the left side of the bed and decided to wait for when ever she woke up even if it was days.

Hanji's Pov
All I could see is darkness, I flickered my eyes open just to have to close them again by a blinding light.

After a couple of minutes for my eyes adjusted to light, I opened my eyes and saw a white ceiling.

I sat up slowly and saw a crack in my glasses but I ignored it. When I looked to the left I was shocked to see my biggest love ship ever!

F/n had her head in her arms leaning on the edge of the bed. Levi sat next to her also sleeping with his head on the edge of the bed. F/n's head was lent against his shoulder and he had his arm around her.

I didn't want to wake them up but I did once I got over how cute they were.

I shook F/n slightly and saw he eyes tighten and slowly open. She turned her head up and muttered "Levi..." before closing her eyes again.

I burst out laughing which made both of them wake up and sit up. "Hanji!" F/n shouted and instantly hugged me.

I hugged her back in surprise "you've never hugged me before, wow I must have been missed!"

"So you... remember what happened?" She asked with sadness in her voice.

"Yes an-" I was going to carry on speaking but she cut me off.

She clenched her fists as tears freatened to fall from her eyes. "I'm sorry, you nearly died because of me. I should have paid more attention"

"Don't be like that it was far from being your fault, but we can talk about that another time. Let's just be happy you saved me!" I exclaimed.

And she smiled and Levi nodded with a sign of relief and happiness in his eyes.

To be continued...

I have my GCSE'S in two days. I'm not going to say that's why I haven't been posting. Because that would be a lie XD.
There's no chance you'll catch me revising, which I'd probably not a good thing but you know.

I didn't know where to go with this story but now I do, hope you enjoyed even though it was crap...

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