truth or dare!

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Me, Levi, Eren and the rest of the Levi squad was sitting by a table, drinking tea of corse.

"So the recruits should be deciding what regiment they are going to join soon, right?" Eld says starting a conversation.

"Yes I wonder how many will join" pera reply's.

"Well it doesn't matter how many will join because they won't be in our squad, I mean we're the most elite soldiers humanity has, we're th-!" Ouro boasted, before biting on his tongue.

Petra rolled her eyes "Bleed out next time."

Everyone else just ignored him. "Hey Eren, you was in that training group wasn't you?" I asked.

He looked up from his lap "Yes"

"So did you know if anyone had their mind set on becoming a scout" Gunther asked curiously.

Well, I knew a couple of people, but...I don't know now"

"That makes sense, I guess" Petra said "but I'm sure we will get lots more people, right captin?"

"I don't care" Levi said staring coldly at her.

She looked away quickly like she was scared, I wanted to laugh but I didn't want to be mean.

"Lets all play a little game" Petra smiled.

"Really?" I said raising an eyebrow.

Petra pouted "yes, come on it will be fun!"

Eld had a smile on his face "I agree besides it will make us relax a bit"

"Fine what did you have in mind" Gunther asked.

"Um how about. Truth or dare!" She yelled excitedly.

I sighed and looked back at my tea.

"I'll start" Eld said "Um. Ouro, truth or dear"

"I'm not the type to play childish games but, if you insi-" Ouro was cut of by Petra "Oh just get on with it!"

Ouro looked at Petra then back at Eld "Well if you insist Petra my dear, Truth"

Eld thought for a brief second "Ha it's perfect, Ouro why do you always try to act like Levi?"

Gunther laughed loudly "you've got to answer truthfully man!"

Ouro looked like his whole world fell apart "I-I" he crossed his arms and looked up "I do not act like Levi in the slightist, if anything he acts like m-"

Levi glared at him with painfully angry eyes. Which made Ouro jump out his chair.

"Um, Petra!" He said hiding behind her, laying a hand on her shoulder "do you Love Yours truly"

Petra squinted her eyes and brushed his hand of her "No!, I would never love you! Besides you never even asked me truth or dare!"

I kind of felt sorry for him, if that ever happened to me i would be heart broken, I glanced at Levi instinctively. And looked away shaking my head not that I loved anyone anyway, what am I even thinking.

"F/n!" Petra shouted in excitement. Uh-oh, "so truth or dare!"

I sighed "none"

"Oh come on, stop being a party pooper" she said smirking at me.

I clenched my fist under the table, and Levi looked at me. I looked back at him.

Alright I'll chose for you "Um, truth it is. So tell us, what's your story?"

"M-my story?" I relaxed my shoulders.

"Yeah, you know how you got here. You don't seem to be a one to follow orders, unless there from Captin. Where did you come form? What was it like?" She asked smiling cheekily awaiting my answer.

"yeah I think we're all curious about that" Eld said with a slight frown.

I looked down clenching my fist once again. I had a flashback to the day I really met my group...

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