Meeting Cadet Eren Jaeger.

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The day before the meeting.
Levi, Erwin and I went to meet Eren before going to court with him. He was currently being held in a cell with the military police.

When we got there I stood next to Levi and Erwin sat the other side of him.

When Eren woke up he looked deadly confused. "Where-where am I" he stuttered, looking around the room before looking at us again.

Erwin told him that he was in a "dungon" being held "by the military police"

He looked shocked when Erwin holded up a key Eren owned. And he explained that it was a key to his dad's cellar, that he believed holds secrets regarding the titans.

They spoke more, until Levi asked "it's an easy question so answer it, what the hell is it you want to do?" He said this with cold eyes glaring at Eren.

Eren froze for a brief second before repling "I want to become a member of the scouts, and slaughter every titan that crosses my pass!"

Levi looked up at Eren and just said "Huh, well played" he began to walk towards the cell "alright then I'll take responsibility for him...not that I implisedly trust him of corse, it's more a matter of me trusting myself to deal with him, I'll kill him if I have to...good news Jaeger your now officially a member of the scouts"

I knew he was being serious about killing him, however I also knew he wouldn't do so unless someone's live was in extreme danger.

Court day
It was the day of the court meeting to see if Cadet Eren Jaeger could be a useful aspect to the fate humanity or be a fret. Me, Hanji and a few other scouts were going to be attending the meeting, but Levi and Erwin had to go earlier to get ready.

I walked with Levi to the carriage he would be leaving on. "I know you will save him" I said as they stepped on the carriage. Levi nodded once and sat down. I watched as the carriage got smaller into the distance before going back inside.

When the carriage finally arrived me Hanji and another scout got into it. Hanji looked extremely excited, she visited Eren yesterday as well after us, all she would talk about is what kind of science she could do with him.

Once we arrived Hanji said "We're going to collect Eren you coming?"

I shook my head and headed into the court I couldn't wait to see Levi, I already have had enough Hanji for the day. I went in and saw Levi I walked over to wear he was sitting and sat next to him.

"So what are you planning?" I asked him.

"I'm not" he looked at me.

I smiled knew in that was not the case. "Is that so."

People were coming in and took a seat. "Levi that Mikasa and Armin right?" Pointing towards two new recruits walking in.

"Yes their his child hood friends" he replied.

I nodded in agreement, and the door opened two soldier brought Eren in,  everyone rised and looked at him and he just looked around confused. I slid my hand across my face and thought to myself 'Hanji forgot to explain anything to the poor boy didn't she"

His arms were tied to metal behind his back forcing him on his knees.
He looked at his friends until the judge came in.

"Alright shall we begin?" The judge announced and introduced the case.

I saw Hanji and the other soldier quietly walk in and stand in the audience.

The military police said there case "subject Eren Jaeger should be disposed of immediately" he went on saying he was a fret. And should be killed after being tested on.

Then it was the Scout Regaments turn, our turn Erwin began by saying "Let Eren join our ranks, reinstate him as a full member of the scouts and we will utilise his titan ability to retake wall Maria".

Erwin explained the plans involving using Eren to get to Siganshina and retake wall Maria. However then everyone in the court room started shouting.
Until Levi stopped it by insulting them, I wanted to laugh but I held it back. But they started shouting again. But this time the judge stopped the argument.

To be continued

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