Chapter 38

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We stood onto of the Orvud wall preparing for Rod Reiss' titan to come. We began to fire hundred's of cannons at it.

"Well, how'd that do?" Erwin asked waiting for the smoke to clear so that we could see the damage it caused.

"Well it's not even slowing the thing down" I sighed.

"It would be too easy if it did" Levi joked glancing at me and I nodded.

"Looks like the field cannons are even less effective" Erwin commented over the sounds of cannon fire.

"Makes sense" Levi said. "The cannon's on the wall have a way better angle and they didn't do shit to it either. What's the problem?"

"Unprepared soldiers" Erwin said "scrapped together cannons and shallow leadership. The titan's have always attacked from the south. Not only is this a northern garrison but it's in the interior. Therefore I can tell you for a fact this is the best we get"

"Yeah that much is painfully clear" Levi said

"Well we didn't have much time to prepare so it's pretty good if you ask me" I shrugged.

"You've got a point there brat" Levi agreed. He looked at Erwin and said "Of corse your strategy for getting us through this battle comes down to a gamble"

"Just like every plan" I added

"Erwin I brought the goodies!" Hanji yelled excitedly "all the gunpowder, ropes and netting I could find. We still need to put it together though. Oh we got this too, there's another one just like it a little further down. The trigger is held in place so once fired it'll wind its self backup just like ODM gear" she explained.

"What even is that thing?" I asked looking at it.

"Your in for a treat if you get to see it tiny!" She said excitedly. "But for now did we do any damage?"

"Take a look for yourself" I told her simply.

"Oh so we might actually have a chance to use this then. Exciting! Just you wait an see what this baby can do!" She smiled widely.

"Captain Levi, F/n, Jean, Sasha, Connie you handle that side" Erwin commanded us and we nodded. We went to the other side and began to prepare for the plan.

"It's here" I said. It made me feel sick knowing that if we fail thousands of people insides these walls will die. And they don't even know that that's about to happen.

Cannons fired tearing the flesh of off the titans nape. But before we could do anything else a large amount of hot steam radiated of the titan. Shielding our view.

"Damn it that's just our luck" Levi growled. "The wind must have shifted.

"But we was so close" I said worried now about what was going to happen next.

It's hands grabbed onto the wall and slowly it lifted it's head of the ground.

"Fucking hell" I muttered seeing the titan's face was in half.

"That's what happens when the bastard drags it's face across the floor" Levi said in disgust.

"Well at least we know it has a mouth, our plan might work" I pointed out and he nodded. "I hope your right"

A member of the garrison regiment started mumbling to himself not retreating.

Levi put his hand on the man's shoulder getting his attention "The garrison has done it's duty let the scouts take it from here"

"It'll be fine I promise we'll do as much as we can to stop the titan" I smiled and he nodded turning around and retreating with the rest of his regiment.

"You ready?" Levi said and I nodded "I guess"

Lightening struck again, but this time it was Eren. We fired off both of the things Hanji had arrived with blasting them into the titans hands. Making him let go of the wall, losing balance. Eren grabbed the bag of bombs that was quickly put together and ran towards the titan throwing it down his neck. It exploded and chucks of it went flying through the air. We took off on our ODM gear destroying the chucks that came from the titan. Historia took the final blow killing her father in the process. We all flew back and landed on the wall.

Levi came up to me "did you get hurt?"

I laughed "nope! stop worrying all the time" I looked at were the titan was and said "we did it. To be honest, I thought we were gunna' die"

"That was amazing!" Hanji said walking over and putting her arm around my neck.

"We are to regroup back at the headquarters, any injured are to be taken to be treated immediately. You did good today soldiers!" Erwin commanded and we all nodded.

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