Near death confession!

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Suddenly a flare broke into the air. "That must becoming staight from the captin!" Eld says.

"Yeah, don't worry everyone we'll meet back up with Levi in no time!" I yell to reasure them.

Gunther fires of a flare to show Levi are location we was flying towards his direction. "Hey captin, captin Levi over here!" Petra yells at a hooded figure.

'Shit that's not Levi, who's that? I'm not sure but we must keep the mission going to keep Eren save! "Everyone fall back" I shout but It was too late the person fell in and cut gunther down. Luckily they only managed to get my left arm as I dodged out of the way.

"Gunther!" Eld cries out.

We all landed on a branch and got our blades out. Suddenly the person...was no person. It was the female titan, they cut them self causing a huge lightning bolt strike down and a titan to appear.

Then Eren was about to turn into a titan. "Don't Eren, there's no point we can handle here we need to keep you save. That's one of the main reasons why we came here"

"Eren!" Petra yells "please we can handle her you and f/n head back to the HQ. We need to know your save!"

"I'm not going anywhere!" I tell here.

"F/n, your already injured, you won't be able to fight in your condition you've only got one arm. Take Eren back to HQ. That's the main goal!" She told me.

I sighed heavily "Alright, I swear Petra as soon as you get back I'm going to drop kick your ass!"

She laughs at my comment and they all charge towards the titan. I was going to lead Eren back to HQ but then he landed on a branch. "Eld! He was killed by the female titan's punch."

Suddenly Eren started to fly back "Eren!" I yelled I catched up to him and held his arms behind his back, so he couldn't bite his hand.

"Let go of me Eld he's dead!" Eren fell to the floor.

"I know" I look down angrily "promise me Eren stay here, down you dare even think about moving unless you have to retreat got it?"

He didn't reply "That's an order even!" I shout before flying towards the fight.
But I was to late Petra was kicked into the tree.

"Oulo!" I yelled as he went recklessly flying towards the titans nape.
I flew as fast as I could towards the titan before he could get their.

But Oulo was crushed by the female titans hand against a tree. He hand came swiping back hitting me, I hit a tree a couple feet away. Luckily I landed on a low branch so I didn't get the impact of a long drop to my death.

I heard my bones crack against the tree when I hit it. I hit my head on the tree as well, it made my vision go slightly bleary and there was a small ringing in my ears. My head was spinning and I could her Eren screaming in rage.

I saw what I asumed to be him jump and turn into his titan form. They began to fight, but I couldn't move to help him.

I layed helplessly on the branch with my back against the tree, facing the heated fight.

"F/n!" The one voice I wanted to hear called my name. I opened my mouth slowly to shout but it was useless "Levi" I muttered.

"F/n, were are you!" He yelled again, his voice sounded hurt and angry.
Luckily I managed I shout slightly, it was still perfectic but it was loud enough to grab Levi's attention. "Levi!"

He swung over to me and crouched by my side lifting me up in his arms. He held me and swung up to a higher branch.

He layed my lower half onto the branch and crouched with my top half in his arms. "" I muttered.

"F/n!" He hugged me. He was close enough to be clear in my vision. Suddenly when I looked at him I saw something I never tgought I would see. Levi held me crying quitily.

"F/n, your going to be alright!" He said softly

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"F/n, your going to be alright!" He said softly.

"leave, she'll kill. You" I mutter.

"No. I would never leave you, I promised to always protect you and I will" he cried.

"Levi. I can't even stand, please."

"F/n I won't le-" Levi was going to say before I cut him of.

I slowly ,with want strength I have left, pulled my hand you and put my hand on his cheek. "Thank you. Thank you for everything you've done for me. Everytime you've surported me and been by my side. Please do one thing for me now. Live. I don't know where I would be without you. Please. Levi, i-i love you.

His eyes widen in shock, but I only got a glimpse of him as my vision kept getting darker.

"I-i love you to f/n. That's why you can't leave!" He yells.
But it was to late, everything turned dark and it felt like I falling alseep, with no way to stop it.

But it was to late, everything turned dark and it felt like I falling alseep, with no way to stop it

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Levi's Pov
She began to shut her eyes, I shock he a little. "F/n! Don't you dare die on me!" I shout as loud as I can. I fired of an amergancy flare.

Suddenly I stood up at looked at the female titan. I saw Mikasa heading towards it and I went with her.

Out of rage I cut the female titan loads, however she wasn't dead I left her with every one of her limbs nube. I got Eren out and chucked him to Mikasa. I really didn't care about the mission I went back to f/n as soon as I had the chance.

I sat down next to her again. Then Erwin approached "where's your squad Lev-" he stopped when seeing f/n on the ground.

"Get her into a carriage now!" Erwin orderd "get her medical attention as soon as you can!"

I clenched my fist and helped them get her into a carriage. I sat in their with her and stared at her the whole way.

"Please be okay, f/n. My life is meaningless with out you..."

-Sorry it was longer than normal!
-Hope you enjoyed!
-Please read my other fanfiction about Levixreader I would really appreciate it. I work really hard on that on expessally!😌

-Love you all

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