Chapter 30-Hardening ability

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Me, Levi, his new squad, Hanji and her team were all staying in a small cabin. Hanji insisted that we do so because we need to help Eren learn how to control his hardening ability.

As the cabin came into view, I spotted another wagon outside it. I looked over at Levi and said "Guess Sasha, Jean, Mikasa and Armin are back"

"Took them long enough" he said as the wagon we were in came to a stop.

"They weren't gone that long" I shrugged.

"Whatever, why are these brats making so much noice" he said before putting his hand on the door.

We walked in and no one noticed at first, but Christa- I mean Historia. Until Levi said "What's this commotion about?"

Silence built in the air once Levi walked over to the table, running his hand underneath it and revealing the clearly uncleaned table.

"I'm quite sure I gave you enough time" he said looking at them all.

They all looked over me and I crossed my arms "why are you guys looking at me, it's not my fault you can't clean properly"

Levi glanced and me, even though it wasn't shown in his face I could tell he was a little amused. "Anyways..." he said staring down the group.

He began cleaning the dirt of his hand and continued "We'll discuss your lax cleaning job another time... Eren"

Eren looked a little surprised when Levi announced his name, but I don't blame him.
"Hanji is itching to get the experiment started"

"R-Right" Eren said looking a little nervous.

Levi walked into a different room were I followed. "They all try so hard" I giggled sitting on the table in the room.

"What do you mean by that exactly" he asked raising his brows.

"To impress you" I answered.

"Impress me?" He repeated in a questioning tone as he turned to face me.

"Expecially Eren, I mean he looks like he's about to Spring clean" I laughed.

"And he still can't clean a simple plate without leaving dirt" he rolled his eyes.

"It's obvious your abnormally handsome, but you don't need to see your face in every plate and floor y'know"

He gave me a side glare annoyed at my statement. "Shut it Pancake"

"Pancake?" I said loudly, but not load enough to be a yell.

"You heard" he said turning his head to look at me directly.

"I'm so confused" I muttered to myself trying to figure out why he just called me that.

"Don't think so much into it, let's go to Hanji. When we last saw her she looked like she was going to explode"


"Pancake" he smirked ruffling my hair on the way out of the room.

"Hey what the hell!" I yelled but he shut the door leaving me in the room alone.

I sighed "why does he keep calling me that, not that I don't like it. I mean who doesn't like pancakes but... it's wierd. Whatever" I muttered to myself.

I shrugged and slid of the desk. I went into the main room were I saw everyone was in their uniform and getting ready.

~time skip~

Eren let out a load roar as he crumbled to the ground.

"There's something wrong with him" I stated the obvious.

"Whats wrong, Eren? Get up! The future of humanity is riding on you! Get up dammit!" Hanji screamed down at him furious. She has to high of an expectation for him.

"Hey four-eyes" Levi said not looking at Hanji but down at Eren titan form. "He's not quite the same this time. He's not even 10 meters, and some of his body doesn't have muscle. Plus, Eren's ass is hanging out" he said in a board tone.

"I can see that!" Hanji yelled back withdrawing her blades, for no reason at all. "Eren! Can you still move?!" She asked, as if he could reply.

"Give us a signal or something!" She continued but there was no sign from him. This caused Mikasa to jump of her horse and run to him.

"Hey... That gloomy brat is acting on her own again. Time to think up a punishment?" Levi said not tearing his gaze from the scene.

"Wouldn't you, if you cared a lot for someone" Armin said inoccently.

Levi's eyes glanced at me, but he looked away quickly to act as if nothing happened. "I serpose so. But sill could get her killed" I felt my heart beat grow a little faster, it always does when he looks at me or when ever he's near. Even though we're always together.

"No there's no signal... We're done here!" Hanji spoke to no one in particular.

She jumped of with others and went to help him get out.

As Hanji was pulling him out there was a lot of shouting between her and Mikasa. Luckily, Mikasa cut him out and he was safe.

"That was a success" I said sarcastically.

Levi hummed in response "Yeah. Looks like we've got a long road ahead before we can use the Titan hardening ability to seal the wall" he looked behind to Armin that was looking a little disappointed.

"Yes... I knew we'd be grasping at straws from the start"

"Strategically, it's not a bad plan" Levi claimed. "Instead of lugging tons of supplies, all we need is to get Eren there. Whether or not we're grasping at straws... all depends on Eren"

"Do we have a plan if he can't?" I spoke up.

"Not at the moment but it will probably mean we have to build it ourselfs" Levi rolled his eyes.

"Trust me Eren will learn, how long it will take I don't know but. I have faith he can do this" Armin said confidently.

"Yeah. Maybe" I muttered looking over the cliff.

"Just don't get your hopes up" Levi said beginning to walk.

Well for two chapters anyway until episode two comes out.
I can't wait and I hope you enjoyed.
I tried my best with the little information I have to go from.

I try to stop myself reading the Manga to AOT ferther than the anime so there isn't any spoilers. Love ya.

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