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It was early in the morning and I got washed and in my uniform. Today we are going on another mission, we are going to test out the new horses we gathered and train them to go for longer distances.

I went out side and saw Levi, I walked up to him and he gave me my horse that he got ready. "Thanks" I smiled.

"No problem, we are both going with a random group of cadet's today" he said as we walked.

"Oh really, whys that?" I asked and he shrugged his shoulders "you know Erwin he never explains himself"

I laughed at his very true comment "so who are we go-" I was cut of as my question was asked for me.

"F/n I get to go with ya ain't that great~!" None other than Hanji yelled hugging me from behind.

"Hanji...air" I chocked out trying to breath.

But she didn't let go, Levi sighed and literally ripped her of me. "Thanks Levi" I said placing my hands on my knees breathing heavily.

"What the fuck I'd wrong with you four eyes!" Levi death glared her.

"Calm down Shorty, just excited gez~" Hanji crossed her arms pouting.

Levi face palmed and I said "it's fine who else do we have?"

"Well of corse you've got to have Eren, and I think you have Mikasa to" Hanji said scratching her messy hair.

"Okay let's go find the brats" Levi said as we walked over to a group of people.

"Eren, Mikasa!" Hanji yelled happily.

"Commander Hanji?" Eren shouted back looking around until his eyes met mine and he began walking over.

Mikasa was also following behind of corse "did you call?" He asked and Hanji grabbed his hands with sparkles in her eyes. "I'm in your group ain't that exciting now I can watch you in action"

Mikasa glared at her and she jumped hugging my arm "holy titan! Her death glares nearly as scary as shorty's"

Levi snapped his head to her also glaring "say that again moron!"

Hanji waved her hand up and down "don't get so jellous no one is as scary as you shorty besides after you Tiny is the scariest"

"Tiny?" I questioned and she looked at me laughing "oh yeah he's shorty" she pointed at Levi and them at me "and you Tiny because your even smaller than him"

I froze for a second and sent my own death glare at her making her step back a few paces.

"Listen up you little shits" Levi raised his voice getting our attention "just don't do anything stupid, no one's turning into a titan and don't get in my way or on my nerves, got it?"

Everyone nodded "yes Captin" Eren said. Then Erwin shouted "Listen up! Get on your horses and get in your groups" we grabbed our horses and jumped on.

~out the gates~

We were ridding when we saw a forest up ahead. "Are we going in?" Eren asked as we got closer.

A few flares fired of and Levi shook his head "no we're going around"

"One black flare to the right" Mikasa shouted from the back.

"This far in, so exciting!" Hanji shouted.

"This isn't a game something must have gone wrong" I shouted as we began to go right to go around the forest.

"W-Whats that?!" Eren yelled as a small titan came bouncing like a rabbit towards us.

Levi x Reader-lost friendWhere stories live. Discover now