Prologue: My Fate is Solitude

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Mikoto sat alone beneath the rain.. her umbrella had fallen over, forgotten by it's owner.. so now she was sopping wet on the bench.. uncaring to the world.  

The funeral had just finished up.. and Mikoto couldn't possibly feel any worse..

She bore medium length chestnut hair, that while normally neat and slightly messy at the same time, was now sopping wet and dropping over her head like a flat sopping wet blanket. 

Her clothes were that of a sweater vest and skirt style school uniform.. after all.. she was a Middle School student. 

She had decided not to follow the coffins to their burial site.. after all, it would've hurt far too much. She wouldn't have been able to take it at all.. 

Instead.. she stood up slowly, and began walking across the wet street towards her dorm room..

As she did... a red headed  twin tailed girl stood nearby under her umbrella.. watching. At first she made to reach out a hand.. but another girl with short hair and flowers adorning her head stopped her and shook her head..

What did she expect? What did she honestly expect? Living in Academy City would be a happy life? No.. she should've learned a long time ago.. anything under the Board of Director's thumbs would be subject to horrors beyond reckoning eventually.. Project Radio Noise.. the Level Upper.. everything.. she was tired of how everything kept trying to screw with her life..

And yet.. even after all the stupid overly complicated plots that she had been involved with.. that made her life seem like a light novel drama, her parents got taken down... by a car crash..

It was like some sick joke.. enduring all the complicated bull crap only to have everything taken away from her in such a simplistic and blunt way.. 

Complete bull crap. 

Who was she kidding? 

Mikoto didn't know how long she walked through Academy City's streets before she reached her Dorm room.. all she knew.. was that she wanted to die on the spot.. 

Academy City.

Probably the only independent government in the world that was only one giant city around the size of Tokyo.   But it's most unique aspect wasn't just that it was mainly a place made up of schools and youths where people came from all over to study, or that it was 30 years ahead of the world in science overall..

no.. it was that it was filled with Espers.. 60 percent of the student population all had unique psychic powers.  These powers could be classified from levels 1 to 5.. with 5 being the most powerful known so far. 

There were only 7 Level 5 Espers in Academy City... and Mikoto was the 3rd strongest of them. 

Not that it had ever done her parents any good.. as proved by the funeral that had taken up most of her day..

Mikoto pushed open the door to her dorm room.. sopping wet.. having dripped puddles all the way from the entrance lobby of dorm building.

"MS. MISAKA!!" a formidable severe looking woman with glasses walked out, glaring furiously at Mikoto. "WHAT did I say about dripping water all the way through the halls!? I know soccer practice can get wet but you don't need to abstain from changing clothes until AFTER you get in here do you!? Do this again and I'll have you kicked out-!"

"Do it.." Mikoto muttered.. 


Mikoto gave the Dorm Supervisor a hopeless and shadowy gaze.. as if she didn't care about anything anymore. "I said do it.. maybe I'll die from the cold... that would be nice.. I don't think I have the guts to jump off a bridge anyways.. "

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