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Saber opened her eyes ever so slightly. Something felt a little off.. her vision was currently blurred, sounds were rushing around her head. Where was she?

Saber's vision and hearing began to refocus.. she was in the back of what felt like a moving van.. her body was tied in what appeared to be a rough rope of some sort..  Normally her immense Spirit Strength would be enough to break the rope.. but it appeared  that her body was injured far too badly. 

Saber looked down at herself, she was in full Servant form still.. so much for trying not to reveal herself.. 

in the seats on either side of her, Saiai and Rikou were speaking.

"I'm not SUPER saying that we should let her go or anything!" Saiai was saying. "I'm just saying that she's going to SUPER die if we don't get her to a hospital!"

"That's what I'm saying too!" Rikou exclaimed. "Mugino.. we're not getting info out of her if we lose her."

"She'll get medical attention when she's answered us.. should motivate her don't you think?" said Mugino. 

"Harsh.. but effective I guess." Shiage muttered as he drove. 

"Oh.. lookie.. she's awake." said Mugino turning around to look at Saber.

"Where are you taking me?" Saber asked weakly.  

"You'll see.." said Mugino. "You're going to answer our questions.. or you're going to die.. screw this job.. with what I've seen already, I can already tell ITEM's been played by Iselia.. and you know something about it Knighty Mcwhitey.."

"Uh... M-Mugino!?" stammered Shiage. "There's.. a problem."

"Huh? what the hell are you talking about... wait, whose that!?" said Mugino.

Standing in the middle of the road up ahead... was none other than Rider.. 

Her white hair flowed in the breeze, her yellow eyes flashed as she let out a grin to reveal dragonish fangs in place of her normal teeth. She was wearing what appeared to be a black breast band and leg revealing skirt, decorated with the symbol of a great golden star on each clothing piece.. her forearms and legs were covered in sparkling silver dragon scales, with five fingered dragon talons for hands and feet.. and a long silver dragon tail whipping around and protruding from her backside, silver horns growing from her head.

"D.. Draco?" Saber whispered. 

Draco smiled at the approaching van, and raised a talon to the sky. "Sky.. shine bright with the stars... The Golden Apples of Hesperides.. shine upon my radiance.. As I unwind in the sky... LADON!!!"

Draco leaped into the sky.. as below her.. an explosion of sparkling starlight initiated.. and from the star light.. a massive white dragon rose up.. roaring... it had four legs, and a thick massive serpent-like body.. but it's most noticeable feature was it's 100 giant heads.. swarming in such number, that the heads and necks nearly outsized its body.. 

Draco landed on the dragon's back as she chuckled. "Well? How do you like my Noble Phantasm? Impressive? Beautiful? Radiant and glorious? This is what awaits those who dare come after my darling Kazari.. being slowly digested within the belly of the beast itself!"

"HOLY SHIT!!" Shiage screamed, his eyes popping as he slammed on the brakes. 

"She's not a Heroic Spirit.." stammered Saber. "She's a Divine Spirit through and through!"

A Certain Magical Fate. Book 1: Saber.Where stories live. Discover now