The Accelerator And the Ruler.

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the Level Fives.. strongest Espers on Earth, largely regarded as the strongest humans.  But who was regarded as the strongest Esper of them all?

The Accelerator he was called. His real name, he had long forgotten, so it became that Accelerator was how people who knew him addressed him.

A boy with wild white hair, scrawny and malnourished, albino actually with red eyes and pale skin due to a side effect from his abilities, he may have seemed harmless in appearance at first.. but in reality, he was stronger than an entire army.. 

His ability was the power to control Vectors themselves. Alter movement, motion, of anything he touched or entered the range of his AIM Field, the laws of the motion themselves..  a frightening power. 

Not only did this give him control over air.. earth.. and etc.  But his most famous ability was the power to reverse the laws of movement within a certain range of his body.. meaning NOTHING could hit him.. In fact it was only speculated a Nuke could kill him because it would suck all the oxygen out of the air and suffocate him. 

A human weapon.. regarded wildly as "The One who would Usurp God" by some bolder scientists who weren't the religious sort. 

he did have his weaknesses though. Thanks to an injury he had taken when rescuing a certain little girl, he needed a limited machine  that was connected from his brain to a choker around his neck to access his power.. as without the machine, his brain wasn't able to function Esper Calculations properly... but as long as the battery was active for it's 30 minute battery life (it extended since last time), he was a deadly powerhouse of mass destruction.. 

At the moment however.. he was a deadly power house of 'Babysitting' destruction.

"MISAKA MISAKA WANTS A PONY PLEEEEEASE!!" A little girl that looked around 8 jumped up and down in front of the irritated esper as he sat on the couch, trying to watch TV. "Misaka Misaka needs a pony or Misaka will die! Says Misaka Misaka as she tries to beg with all her might!"

The reason the girl talked in such an odd third person, was due to her programming as one of the Sisters of Mikoto Misaka.. the Last one in that line, called Last Order.  She possessed an unusual power over the electrical network that linked all the clones together. And currently, she was under the care of Accelerator. 

"How many times do I have to  say.. NOOOOO!" Accelerator spat. "FUCKING GOD NO!! I can't afford to buy you a goddamn pony!!! MUCH LESS A MAGIC UNICORN THAT YOU SUGGESTED LAST WEEK!!"

"Hmph!!" Last Order pouted cutely in a way that would make most parents succumb to her wishes. "Misaka Misaka can't be expected to go without an an equine friend forever! Says Misaka Misaka with a twinge of regretful irritation!" 

"Deal with it!" spat Accelerator. "Go wash up by the way.. I'm about to make dinner.. "

Accelerator got up as Last Order clapped her hands with glee and went to the bathroom to begin washing her hands.

Accelerator opened his refrigerator and started looking at what he had. "Fucking god.. what a bunch shit.. I need to get some more stuff or we're going to starve tomorrow... OI! Last Order! We're having Mac and Cheese!!"

"Okay! Says Misaka Misaka as Misaka's tummy starts to growl from hunger!" said Last Order. "OH! By the way.. Misaka Misaka found a package for you earlier by the front door!"

"Heh.. what do ya know.." Accelerator spat as he picked up the package that Last Order mentioned, which had been placed on the dining table.  "What.. the fucking hell is this?" 

Accelerator drew out the charm which had a strange red symbol on it.. like plenty of other ones before it that had certain other people..  

"No return address? Typical.." Accelerator muttered. "As if I'd be caught dead wearing something as stupid as this!"

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