Saber Lily.

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Mikoto couldn't tell if she was floating or somebody was carrying her at the moment. Each and every moment felt like a dream..

Every now and then, she open her eyes slightly and see Saber carrying her, holding her with extreme care and gentleness at the same time.

And each of those moments, Mikoto would feel an overwhelming sense of security in those arms. As if as long as they were together, nothing horrible could happen. 

Finally, after she managed to open her eyes a little wider, Mikoto found herself lying in Saber's arms as she sat on the curb, surrounded by various chatting Judgment members. 

"SISSY!" Kuroko ran over, looking overjoyed. "You feel okay!? Any limbs broken!? Was Saber too rough!?"

"Nah.." Mikoto whispered, feeling a little too weak to say anything loudly.  "She was gentle... man.. Saber, I never knew precisely how amazing you were at the sword until today.. you're awesome."

Saber smiled. "If you'd like, I could teach you fencing.."

"I don't think I'll be using a sword for a while." said Mikoto. "I think I have to be contracted to somebody to use my power as a Servant.. and I overheard Iselia saying something about my contracts all only lasting for 2 hours when not done artificially.."

Mikoto looked up at Kuroko. "And I'd rather not do a contract.. cause I kinda have to do everything that person says when I'm contracted.."

"Everything!?" said Kuroko, her eyes widening with lust. "For.. 2 hours?"

Saber glared up at Kuroko. "Don't get any ideas now.."

"Oh.. er.. of course not.. by the way, out of curiosity.. how does one FORM a contract?" asked Kuroko.

"You sick fucko.." muttered Rider, walking over, her arms folded, now in her non-servant form. Her shirt was off and her chest and parts of he arms and shoulders were covered in bandages. "Honestly.. hasn't the girl been through enough? Get a hold of yourself!"

Rider smacked Kuroko on the back of the head for good measure as Uiharu hurried over to her, holding a roll of bandages. "R-Rider-san! I haven't finished applying the bandages!!"

"Eh? Oh.. sorry Kazari-chan." said Rider. "You know me.. i get a little restless just waiting all the time."

"YOUUUUUU!!!!" suddenly a voice rang out.

"Heh?" Saber raised her eyebrows. "That voice sounds.. familiar.."

Mordred kicked her way through the crowd, wearing her armor again.. except her helmet wasn't on. Gritting her teeth furiously. "I KNEW I RECOGNIZED YOU.. FATHER!!!!"

"Mordred!?" stammered Saber. "Wait.. don't tell me.. you were summoned!? Who-!?"

"That would be me! Sorry!" Touma stammered as he hurried forward. "Uh.. didn't know you knew each other.. wait.. FATHER!?"

"Wouldn't it.. be more like Mother?" Mikoto muttered, looking between Mordred and Saber.. and.. you two look around the same age.."

"My growth was accelerated." said Mordred, waving Mikoto aside. "Now listen here! All of you BACKOFF!! It's my life's ambition to kill my goddamn father.. so you're ALL going to BACK THE HELL AWAY AND GIVE ME SOME ROOM!!"

Mordred grinned as she drew her sword. "COME ON!! Right here.. RIGHT NOW!! We're finishing this.."

"No." said Saber. 

"WHAT!?" said Mordred with a growl.

"To be honest, I consider you more of a sister than a son." said Saber with a sigh. "honestly, I apologize for the obvious confusion Merlin and Morgan put us through considering the search for an heir.. but I never consented to... relations with people.. even when Merlin turned me into a man at some point.."

A Certain Magical Fate. Book 1: Saber.Where stories live. Discover now