The Number Six, Heat Seeker

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"Hey!! Can somebody hear me!? Anybody!?"

Kuroko, who had a strange collar around her neck, negating her power, dried blood stained on her head, banged on the bars of her cell with her fists. "Somebody!! I hear fighting going on out there!! Please! Sissy needs my help!!"

The sound of armored clanking footsteps  echoed for a moment throughout the empty lab.. and Saber walked into view.

"Saber?" said Kuroko, blinking. "What's with the kooky getup!? Oh.. wait.. don't tell me.. YOU INTEND TO SAVE SISSY BEFORE I DO SO YOU CAN TAKE ALL THE LOVE!! Well forget it! I'll chew my way out of these bars if I have t-"

"SHEEN SHEEEEN!!" Before Kuroko could say more.. Saber cleaved the bars apart with her wind sword.

She walked in and snapped the collar off of Kuroko's neck.

"Oh.. thanks.." said Kuroko, her voice filled with surprise. "Er.. sorry about.. all I said.."

Saber walked in, without saying a word, her face downtrodden and without any semblance of happiness, she leaned against the wall of the cell and slumped down to a despaired sitting position.

"Sa.. ber?" Kuroko said, now looking disturbed by Saber's lack of energetic threats to chop her head off.. "Are you okay?"

Tear drops appeared on the cold metal floor.. as Saber put a hand to her eyes, her shoulders shaking as she silently cried.  "I.. I lost her.. I couldn't save her.. they took her and I don't know if I can get her back.."

Kuroko looked at Saber now with an expression that she hadn't used with her at all till now.. She came in close.. and without warning, she hugged Saber.

Saber's eyes flickered a little with innate shock. Kuroko was probably the last person she'd expect to do this sort of thing. 

"Honestly.." said Kuroko with a small sigh. "Rivals in love breaking down into tears.. that's not how I like a competition to go.. you and I both care for Sissy in our own way.. but I know for a fact that to give up this early is a bit of a stupid thing don't you think?"

Kuroko let go of Saber and smiled. "If you have somebody you care for, show them love. If that person is taken from you.. go find them.. it's as simple as that.. there's no such thing as 'giving up' when you're willing to shed tears for her like those.. isn't that right Saber?"

Saber stared at Kuroko for a minute then smiled back tearfully. " Well well... the Succubus spews out wisdom as I sit moping like a rabbit whose lost her lettuce."

"Well, don't get me wrong, you and I are still rivals for the love of darling Sissy!"

"I.. don't love her in that manner.." said Saber, raising an eyebrow. "But.. yes.. I do love her.. " 

Saber looked up at the ceiling for a minute. "Kuroko.. have you ever met.. Mikoto's Mother?"

Kuroko went silent. "Once, yeah. At the Daihaseisai. She was a very outgoing woman too, I could totally get where Sissy got her whole adventurous streak from.. but unlike Sissy she was far more carefree..  honestly though, it's been rough on her, her parents loved her I think, but never were able to be there for her often.. come to think of it though, she's luckier, I haven't got a clue what my mom or dad are doing.. I've lived in Academy City my whole life.."

"I see.." said Saber, standing up. "Well.. I don't intend to be as carefree.. I don't believe I'm that type of woman.."

"What kind of woman are you?" Kuroko asked curiously. 

A Certain Magical Fate. Book 1: Saber.Where stories live. Discover now