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"BAAAAAMMMM!!" The main door into the Tokiwadai School Dorm building was sent flying off it's hinges and into the main lobby.. 

school girls screamed and jumped out of the way as Saber stomped into the room.. brushing off trash and sopping wet from the rain.

"YOU!!" Saber roared, grabbing the front desk lady by the collar of her shirt, her eyes flaring. "CHESTNUT HAIR!! ABOUT 5'3!! SOMEHOW CAN CONTROL LIGHTNING!! WHERE IS SHE!?"

"I.. I can't just tell-.." stammered the girl.

"CRUNCH!!" Saber smashed the buzzer on the desk to pieces with an armored fist.. cracking the mahogany desk.

"3rd floor.. 4th door on your left." said the girl with a squeak. "Ask for Mikoto Misaka!"

Saber let go of the girl and stomped up the stairs furiously.

The next moment, Saber kicked Mikoto's door down immediately.. sending the door flying down to the floor and thrust out a finger. "MIKOTO MISAKA!! WE NEED TO-! eh?"

Mikoto was standing right in front of Saber, wearing a simple t-shirt and shorts, a Dorayaki halfway in her mouth.

Only she happened to be standing so close to Saber from the moment she started pointing.. that Saber's finger just happened to be pressing right into Mikoto's left boob. 

The duo stood there for a minute.. stunned. 

"Uh... oops.." muttered Saber, pink patches appearing on her face. 


A few moments later.. Saber sat on Mikoto's bed, her arms folded.. her hair a little messed up from electrical burns and a burning handprint on her face from where Mikoto had slapped her full force. 

"Alright.. I understand that a cosplayer like you probably wasn't intending to see me naked.. or grope me.." Mikoto grumbled, as she sat on the bed of her roommate across from Saber. "But.. why are you here? If you want to do some stupid role playing I'm sorry to say, I'm not into that.."

"I'm not a.. whatever that is.." said Saber. "It appears that the Charm meant to summon me must've had the wrong address.. but now that I've attuned to your energy, it appears there's no turning back.. you're my Master now.. and I am your Spirit Familiar.."

"Spirit.. Familiar?" Mikoto muttered, holding up the charm, which was shaped like small gold sword. "Okay.. I'll admit.. I've seen magic before, so I SORT of get this.. but how do I know this is the real deal?"

Saber held out a hand.. and suddenly in a burst of light.. a magnificent sword with gold hilt and a sapphire on it's pommel appeared, burning with great power.. before it disappeared once more."

"You could just be an esper with a teleportation ability, that doesn't prove anything." said Mikoto.

"Esper? What is this so called Esper?" said Saber.

"You're in Academy City and you don't even know that?" Mikoto asked.

"The last I remembered, I was in Fuyuki City, the year was 2004, and I have never heard of this so called.. Esper.." said Saber. "I've been in slumber since then.. waiting for the 6th Holy Grail War.. and throughout my slumber.. the only thing I've been aware of this coming time period is that this is to be the last Grail War.. and hopefully I can remain awake and live out my days.."

Mikoto blinked, obviously confused. 

"Every period of time or so.." said Saber. "Magicians hold the Grail Wars.. a war between 7 Masters and 7 Servants.. which I am.. where the winner of such a war gains a magical item known as the Holy Grail, said to grant any wish to it's wielder.."

A Certain Magical Fate. Book 1: Saber.Where stories live. Discover now