Experiment 23

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"SHEEEN SHEEEN SHEEEN!!" Multiple Meltdowner beams blasted at Saber, creating shockwaves of wind from the force of firing.. as Saber dashed to and fro, avoiding each and every attack best she could, while deflecting the beams that came too close with her sword.

Saber leaped into the sky overhead, her back against the moon as she raised her blade, charging it with holy purging light. "EXCALIBURRRR!!"

A giant powerful light exploded down upon Mugino, who slashed a hand out, and fired several beams into each other, combining them into one giant Meltdowner beam, which collided with Saber's attack, creating a midair explosion of incredible light. 

Saber stabbed the tip of her sword through the giant beam.. and cleaved her way downwards.. the beam splitting around her blade.. 

"PERISH BY MY BLADE!!" Saber screamed as she sent the blade stabbing towards Mugino's chest.

"MUGINO!!!" Saiai moved in and pushed Mugino out of the way, a powerful surge of wind like a shell wrapping around Saiai..

Saiai's ability deflected Saber's blade.. and Saber was forced to somersault back and land a large distance away.

"Such incredible physical agility.. no AIM Field to detect." said Mugino. "A sword that can deflect my attacks.. She's no esper.. she's something new.."

Saber launched herself to Mugino's right, her eyes flashing with a determined will. She hurled out a one handed slash.. creating a powerful shockwave at light that slashed towards Mugino.

Mugino and Saiai ducked under the slashing light.. and behind them.. an entire skyscraper split clean in half... the top half of the building falling down with a tremendous crash. 

The wind and dust blew past Mugino from behind, causing her to shield her face slightly as Saber used the distraction to dash in close.

"Don't think.. that you have nearly enough combat experience.. TO DANCE WITH ME!!" Saber roared, as she sent a cleaving blow toward's Mugino's neck. "DIE!!"

"KAAAZZEEEN!!" Several Meltdowner sphereds appeared in between Mugino's neck and Saber's blade.. repelling it with an energy surge.

"LITTLE PRICK!!!!" Mugino roared, thrusting out a hand, and sending a powerful barrage of beams from above.

"Damn it all!!" Saber stammered as she was forced to dash back, ducking and weaving between the beams..

"KAAASSSSSSZZZZHH!!" Saber suddenly let out a scream, as one of the beams grazed her leg, and a sizzling gash appeared there.. bleeding profusely.

"Heheheh.. how does it feel?" said Meltdowner, grinning violently.

"I'd ask you the same question." said Saber, grinning back.

Mugino suddenly felt blood spew out over her bottom lip.. and she doubled over, clutching her gut. "Wh.. when did she?"

Mugino's eyes widened as she remembered a strange impact as Saber had been leaping back.. she had hit her in the gut with a punch as she was dodging!

"That much damage to my internal body in one punch!?" stammered Mugino. "And with a punch at lesser power due to having to jump back at the same time... this amount of physical muscle power shouldn't be possible for a human being.. especially not one of your build!!"

"A build can be misleading.. Even before I gained these physical powers.. I used to wear 50 kilograms of armor every day.. Though somehow despite this I retain a delicate female appearance.. which was rather disheartening to me.. as I wished to have the build of a man so I would appear a proper king.."

A Certain Magical Fate. Book 1: Saber.Where stories live. Discover now