Shirou and Mikoto.

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"Well, here we are.. it's a good thing Shirou's friends with the chief of police or we'd have a son with a record starting today." muttered Rin as she stepped in front of a normal Japanese suburban house and fumbled with her keys.  "Unless.. Mikoto.. Uiharu? Do you want to press charges?"

Arthur looked at Uiharu and Mikoto with a mixture of horror and trepidation. 

"No.. I believe your anger is punishment enough." said Uiharu cheerily. "Though.. I don't understand.. do you know Ms. Rin-san from somewhere?"

"Yes I do." said Saber. "Me, Rin, and her husband Shirou were good friends."

"OH!" said Uiharu, her eyes sparkling. "Did they babysit you when you were little Saber-san?"

"Er.." Rider blinked with confusion.

"Saber looks like a teenager.. Rin's 30.. you do the math.." Mikoto whispered to Rider. 

"Oh.." said Rider. "Right.. "

"Well I guess you could say that Uiharu-chan!" said Rin, giving Uiharu a wink. "Alright, welcome to the Emiya house, home of one of the members of the current Mage Association."

As Rin opened the door, and everyone piled in, Saber smiled at Rin. "Mage Association? Moving up in the world are we?"

"Eh.. Shirou's training in magic really took off." said Rin. "And thanks to you training him in combat he took down some serious brass in the magic criminal underground."

"Oh? So he actually DID learn something from me?" said Saber with a chuckle. 

"I know.. It's a miracle!" said Rin with a laugh. 

"Jokes aside, he was a good student." said Saber. 

"He should be home soon.. he was furious on the phone, he'll want to get to punishing Arthur as soon as possible." said Rin as she gestured over to the dining table in the main living room, a typical low table with mats for seats. 

Arthur looked aghast at these words. 

"Oh? Perhaps you would wish me to punish him instead?" said Saber, giving Arthur a regal glare. "Back during my era, the Knights have a particular way of punishing disorderly conduct. And if this one indeed shares my name.. then I can be especially harsh for his disgracing it.."

"G..Gee Saber.." said Mikoto, sweating slightly. "I actually got a little scared for a minute there.. "

"Yes.. which should scare you too." said Saber, giving Mikoto a look. "Because if you ever do anything like this.. my punishment for you would be far harsher."

"WHY!?" Mikoto squealed. 

"Because I care for you." said Saber. "What other reason do I need?" 

Mikoto went red at this comment as Uiharu let out a sigh of "Awwww... wow.. Misaka-san.. I feel like your relationship is a bit more than pen pals.."

"You're telling me.." Mikoto said in a small voice. 

Rin looked between Saber and Mikoto, then seemed to let out a rather knowing smile.  She then looked at Arthur sternly. "Go up to your room.. your father's going to be home soon.."

"But I wanna stay an learn more about Saber-"


"EEEEP!!" Arthur sped up the stairs. 

"Tea?" said Rin, changing back to her cheerful persona.

"Yes please!" said Uiharu and Mikoto, both holding up their teacups as Rin took the kettle and poured them generous full cups. 

A Certain Magical Fate. Book 1: Saber.Where stories live. Discover now