Family Reunions

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Centuries ago, during the reign of Arturia Pendragon.

"Bring forth the prisoner.."

Within a massive well lit throne room of a glorious castle. Arturia, not yet known as Saber, sat at the throne. She wore her usual armor and gown, only she also wore the fur cape of a king with a crown upon her head.. Excalibur sheathed at her side. 

In a throne next to her sat a beautiful woman with black hair, she appeared older than Arturia, and she was indeed, however, they were both strewn in a political marriage.  A "male" king needed to have a "queen" yes? That's how things worked.

Arturia glanced over at Guinevere with concern in her eyes. "Are you alright? I heard you crying again this morning.. if there is anything-"

"No.. my King, think nothing of it.. let us merely continue our duties." said Guinevere with a bow of her head. 

Arturia nodded, wishing she could do as Guinevere said. "As you wish."

A knight in white armor with a plume on his helmet walked in, bringing somebody in chains with him. Lancelot, said to be the strongest knight of the Round Table. Though truth be told, another knight, Mordred was swiftly following in ability and skill.  

The prisoner on the other hand.. was something new.

"We found him here.. as if he just came out in a flash of light.. " muttered Lancelot. "Weird too.. he seems to know of you.. but to a weird extent I've never seen."

The person in chains was nothing more than a boy. He had white hair and a neat suit that sort of converted into a robe. One of his confiscated items, held by Lancelot, was a large silver staff that was made of metal twisting together till it unraveled at the end like a flower blooming. 

"So.. intriguing.. so King Arthur was truly a female made out as a man to solidify her rule over a patriarchal country.. how extraordinary." said the boy with a smile. 

"I have no idea what you are talking about." said Arturia. "I am a man that you see before you.. what is your name?"

"Aleister.. Aleister Crowley.  Forgive me.. but it appears the Temporal Spell I was working on sort of malfunctioned and brought me back less far into the past than I intended.. if one of you can return my wand.. I'll be happy to get out of your hair."

Arturia raised an eyebrow, looking at Lancelot, who shrugged at Arturia, shaking his head in a way that said. 'this crazy guy's ALL yours.'

Arturia had to resist the temptation to roll her eyes as she looked  back at Aleister. "So you're a time traveler?

"Indeed.." said Aleister. "You see.. I meant to visit this time last.. after all, I hear you are a human being who was infused with the power of a dragon.. an interesting hybrid of sorts.. I am interested in dragons..  such magic power.. I've been gathering ingredients such as those so that I might finish the project dear Lancelot is holding there... I call it the Blasting Rod.. a wand I've been meaning to complete.. if you would just give me a sample of your blood, it would be most kind and save me all kinds of trou-"

"Shut it!!" Lancelot growled. "You dare request such a horrid thing from our honorable King of Knights!?"

Arturia held up a hand for silence.  She knew Merlin long enough to know powerful magic when she saw it. "I believe his intentions.. though I do not know what his end goals are for what he is retrieving throughout time.. I take it you are from the future?"

"Yes." said Aleister. "Quite. As for my end goals in retrieving and creating things from  things of history.. I intend to create a city.. a city of learning.. in my time, science is only just starting to become an exalted form of creation and development. But my teachers in the magic arts have ridiculed it's use.. I wish to prove them wrong with this city of knowledge.. Please.. King.. Arthur.. If you would only help me.. you will lay your mark on the history of man's advancement in knowledge!"

A Certain Magical Fate. Book 1: Saber.Where stories live. Discover now