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Saber yawned hugely as she sat at the breakfast diner, a plate piled with pancakes in front of her.

"Jeez, you look tired." Kuroko said, glaring at Saber suspiciously. "What were you doing last night?"

Mikoto looked up at Saber, looking just as worn out, but far more stressed, her breakfast untouched. 

"Strategy planning for a project involving me and Mikoto." said Saber. "Pen Pals only, you're not invited.."

"GGGRRRRRRR!" Kuroko stood up, pointing furiously at Saber. "You think you're Sissy's favorite eh!? WELL THINK AGAIN!!"

Saber stuck her tongue out at Kuroko. "Deal with it."

"You two." Mikoto muttered with a sigh. "Come on.. it's too early for this." 

"My apologies for my immature responses." said Saber with a small nod and a slight smile. 

"Jeez.. she's putting on some sort of regal act again.. who even HAS that kind of royal lady personality anymore in this day and age?" muttered Kuroko, sitting back down. 

"Mikoto, you need to eat." said Saber, taking up her knife and fork and beginning to cut Mikoto's breakfast into even pieces before holding up her fork with a sausage piece to Mikoto. "Come now.. it is the beginning meal of the day.. by far the most important so I am told."


"O-oh.. thank you Saber.." said Mikoto, taking a bite of the sausage.

"SHE ACCEPTED IT!?" screamed Kuroko falling off her chair. "NNOOOO SISSY'S BEING STOLEN FROM ME BY A FOREIGNER!!!!!"

"Do you ever calm down?" Saber muttered.

"Once in a blue moon she does." said Mikoto with a small smile of her own. "Give her a chance, she's a good person really."

"I'll take your word for it.." said Saber. "But she's still a Succubus."

"By the way.. " said Mikoto. "I have a few errands to run today.. if you want tonight.. we can discuss the.. er.. Competition we're doing."

Obviously she meant the Grail War..

"We don't need to focus too much on that yet.." said Saber. "None of the other 6 competitors are aware of us too much.. "

"Will you two stop speaking vaguely and TELL me what this competition is!?" stammered Kuroko. 

"Sorry.. Pen Pals only Kuroko." said Mikoto. "heheh.. You know what, really I think you two got off on the wrong foot.. why don't you show Saber around Judgement for a bit?"

"Why!?" Kuroko said. "Where are you going!?"

"I'm going to run errands like I said.. and NO.. I'm.. not going to go cutting off limbs.." Mikoto said, looking at Saber who immediately looked immensely worried. 


"Don't think about it too much." said Saber. "The point is.. I am very much new to this town, I don't know much about Academy City.. it would be an honor if you could be my tour guide Lady Kuroko."

"L.. Lady?" said Kuroko, blushing slightly from the flattering tone. "Well.. er.. alright then.. ms. Lord of the Rings speech.. I'll show you around Judgment.. but you follow my rules!"

A Certain Magical Fate. Book 1: Saber.Where stories live. Discover now