Saber Railgun

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"ZZZZSSSHSHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" Immense static crackled around Saber Railgun as she approached, the air around her becoming tense and filled with energy..  As she continued to move forward, things around her, rubble, stray metal screws, machinery, began to levitate.

"A magnetic field, she's so powerful that she's generating an intense magnetic field just by walking." Shirou said. "It's like looking at a walking magnet!"

Saber thrust her sword forward experimentally, and immediately found Excalibur repelled by a dense field of sparks.

"Anything metal is either going to be sent flying or just levitate in place!" said Touma. "Hitting her isn't going to be easy!"

"For you metal sword using idiots maybe.." Accelerator spat as he walked forward, going through the invisible magnetic field with no problem. "But I've got a bit of a different vibe to me!"

"Hmmm.. is this the Accelerator?" asked Mikoto coldly. 

"Yes, I wouldn't advise fighting him yourself.. anything involving Vectors is useless against him." said Iselia. "Instead.. let me deal with him.."

"Noted." said Mikoto as she disappeared in a burst of speed and reappeared behind Accelerator.

"D-Damn it!" Accelerator snapped as he turned to try and catch Saber Railgun, only to find a large energy field made of glowing purple magic ruins in front of him.. 

"Oh no.. like I said.. you're mine.." said Iselia with a smirk as magic rippled around her hand. 

Saber Railgun charged straight for Saber.

"First.. deal with the strongest.." Mikoto murmured, swinging her sword outwards. 

Immediately a powerful transparent pulse of force which bristled with static  exploded from Mikoto's blade like a shockwave.. and Saber felt her body become winded, as all the metal in her armor slammed her back, sending her flying into the air.

Saber immediately recovered in mid air, only to see Mikoto's face inches from her own.

"CCCCLAAAAAAASSSSSHHHHHH!!!" Excalibur's blade met against Heaven Caliburn.. and lightning erupted from the contact of the two blades.

Saber felt voltage coursing through her as she gritted her teeth and pushed against the blade.. an electromagnetic force attempting to push Excalibur away. 

Jeanne moved in from behind, slashing down her spear.. which Mikoto beat away with a sudden swift turn around slash.. as Saber was sent propelling back by pure electromagnetic force. 

"Yggghh!" stammered Jeanne as she landed on her feet. "I.. felt that.. every time we parry or our weapons make slight contact with her.. we just get.."

"Shocked.. " said Saber. "Yeah.. she's just constantly putting out an electric charge! And to top it off.. I can't get close.. having metal weapons isn't going to help us!"

"I guess my Unlimited Bladeworks might be a bit useless then.." muttered Shirou as swords of differing shapes and sizes began to appear around him, levitating in flashes of light. 

"Not if we can negate her electromagnetic field." said Touma. "Everybody.. get ready!!"

"Kamijou! What are you-!?" Shirou began as Touma ran directly at Mikoto.

"BIRIBIRI!!!" Touma roared. "HERE I COME!!"

"Biri.. what? Are you giving me a nickname?" muttered Saber Railgun with a rather disgusted glare. "how childish.."

A Certain Magical Fate. Book 1: Saber.Where stories live. Discover now