Draco.. Dragon of Starlight

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One Month Ago...

Uiharu loved taking the automated busses home when it rained, She always found it rather unique to hear the pitter patter of the rain on the way home.. it felt relaxing somehow, a good tune to read her book to on the way to her dorm.

And so that day, she sat in the bus with a Kindle in her hands, reading an American Classic called "A Tale of Two Cities." 

Behind Uiharu, a shadowy figure put down a wrapped package. She paid him no mind. Her Judgment training had assured her that shadowy as he may have looked, he possessed no weapon of any sort.. or ill intent to anybody on the bus.

But she couldn't help but notice the man was a little angry on his phone with whoever was calling him.

"I told ya.." said the man furiously with hurried whispers to his phone. "This Servant is supposed to go to a big deal mage.. some Stiyl Magnus guy.. I don't know.. he was specially selected this year for the Grail Wars... yes yes.. I understand.. I'll get it to him QUICKLY then.."

Uiharu shook herself, it was rude to eavesdrop. She immediately put on some ear buds and began listening to music, closing her eyes and nodding to the beat.  Looks like today, music was on the menu, not rain pattering.  Anything for the sake of not being a rude eavesdropper after all.."

It was at that moment the man on the phone, accidentally knocked over the poorly sealed package, not noticing what he had done as he continued to speak.

The charm inside the package scattered out, and slid across the floor over to Uiharu's feet.

a thin beam of  magic instantly erupted and traveled into Uiharu.. and in a flash of light, next to the phone man, Draco emerged.. her greek clothing, sparkling scales, bright eyes, dragon claws and all.. 

The man stared, stunned, as he accidentally dropped his phone..

"Hmmm.. you don't feel  like you are my master.." said Draco with a yawn. "Huh.. there's nobody else here.. so.."

Draco smiled at Uiharu, who still had her eyes closed and was listening to music. "BINGO!! Oh.. she's so cute! Those flowers in her hair! Hello Master! Eh? Hello? Wait.. what the hell does she have in her ears!?"

"DAMN IT ALL!! She wasn't supposed to be your master!" stammered the man as he fumbled around in his coat. "This wasn't how it was supposed to go!! You were supposed to be summoned by the Number 7 Level Five! Damn it! DAMN IT DAAAMN IT!!"

The man took out a gun and pointed it shakily at the back of Uiharu's head. "I have to dispose of her right now!"

Draco's eyes widened. "Wait.. what are you doing!? HEY!"

"She can't participate! IT's all wrong! No witnesses!!" stammered the man. "We'll recontract you to the Number 7 don't worry!"

The man's finger began to press the trigger.


Blood splattered over the seat of the bus..  the man stared for a minute.. blood spewing out of his throat.. Draco's claws stabbing through the back of his neck. 

Draco looked surprised herself.. even a little scared, what had she done?

the man fell dead at her feet... 

Why had she acted to save a master she only just met? Who was obviously a mistake? She hadn't expected herself to act upon this.. she was a Divine Spirit whose personality wasn't even well known due to her legend being more theoretical... nobody knew if she was the Dragon of Mars, Ladon of the Garden of Hespirides, or the dragon Minerva once threw into the stars before it could unravel.  

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