Epilogue: Forging a New Life.

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"So.. I took that job interview you helped me set up.."

Saber and Mikoto were walking together through one of Academy City's parks. Mikoto sipping a soda she had just kicked out of the vending machine again... the result having been that Saber had to grab her by the waist and run with her tucked under one arm as the cleaning drones went berserk. 

Saber was wearing an ordinary tan top t shirt and blue jeans, since she was now a celebrity as Heroine X and didn't want to attract attention to herself. 

"Really?" said Mikoto, looking excited. "How did it go!?"

"I start in three weeks." said Saber with a smile. "You're looking at the new Fencing Coach of Tokiwadai Middle School."

"There are at least 4 fencing clubs at school already, you'll be pretty popular." said Mikoto.  "So.. how did you learn?"

"Merlin made me.. though I'm usually attuned to fighting with heavy broadswords or one handed long swords.. Merlin felt that learning to use a rapier would help me solidify an elegant sport that a King ought to know when dealing with the more competitive public citizenry.." said Saber.  "He was a wise man.. "

"But in the end.. still a jerk.. he kind of played with your fate out of curiosity.." muttered Mikoto. "Not to mention, according to the legends, he played you and the other knights quite a bit too."

"Oh yes.. he was an asshole.. a complete humungous, womanizing, big headed asshole." said Saber with a laugh. "But he was a helpful asshole plenty of times."

"I'll still smack him in the face if I ever see him." said Mikoto. 

Saber laughed. "I'd pay to see it.. however, Merlin is currently trapped in an area beyond the normal Avalon regarding the afterlife.. I don't think he can ever be summoned as a Heroic Spirit.. so you'll have to wait till you die before you go do that.."

"Well.. when we're both dead.. we'll go do it together." said Mikoto confidently. "Double Smack.. both sides of his face! Watcha say?"

"Sounds like a plan." said Saber. "In the meantime.. apparently I have to plan lessons.."

Saber frowned as she took out a folder filled with documents and frowned at them, while settling down on a park bench. "i can't make heads or tails of this"

Mikoto sat down next to Saber and peered through the stacks of documents. "These are signed release forms.. makes sure you're not held responsible if the students get injured on your watch.."

"Wait.. WHY would we need these? That's crafty! Of course I should be responsible for their health, I'm a teacher!" stammered Saber.

"Welcome to the wide world of Modern Day Politics." said Mikoto. "There's my form right there.. so you can just put that aside and look at the other ones..  don't worry.. I'll help you with the political stuff.. "

"Thank you." Saber muttered, sounding relieved. "At least when I was king, the only things I needed to sign were negotiation treaties and land permits.. but responsibility for something as meager as... medication? drug inspections? possible incineration by pyrokinesists!?.. "

"Good thing you're the king eh?" said Mikoto cheerily, winking at Saber. 

"Anyways.. all that aside, how was your trip to the psychologist today? Make any headway?" Saber asked. 

"Well.. we figured out some problems I have.." Mikoto said. "Apparently I'm afraid of doctors.. and scalpels.."

"R-Really?" Saber stammered. "How bad is it?"

"I broke out into cold sweats the moment I saw somebody in a lab coat.. and scalpels make me want to hide and cry." Mikoto said, looking a little red with embarrassment. "Please don't tell Kuroko though.. this is.. a little embarrassing.."

"No it isn't.. it's understandable." said Saber. " I don't know how you stayed sane with the torment you went through.. your will power is extraordinary to say the least.."

Mikoto let out a small smile and leaned her head on Saber's shoulder. "Let's not go home today.. let's just stay here.. the weather's nice.. "

"That it is.." Saber said quietly, feeling the cool breeze in her face. "See any more of Kamijou of late?"

"That's a little off topic.." Mikoto muttered. "Why?"

"Hoping that maybe I'll have grandchildren one day.."

Mikoto went really red now. "Jeez.. you know how to put me on the spot don't you?"

"You know.. it's not over.. Servants and their Masters are going to be coming after us.. and from the sound of it.. there might actually be far more than just the 7 we expected.." Saber murmured. 

"Yeah.. I know.. but I'm not worried." said Mikoto.

"Hmm?" said Saber. "Pray tell why.."

"Cause.." Mikoto said, grinning. "I've got you Saber.. that's enough right?"

Saber ruffled Mikoto's hair affectionately. "Yes.. I suppose it is.."

End of Book 1.  

Book 2:  Red to be coming soon. 

A Certain Magical Fate. Book 1: Saber.Where stories live. Discover now