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"SHEEEN SHEEEN SHEEEN!!!" Assassin grinned maliciously as she slashed and diced her twin blades at Saber.. leaping from girder to girder..

Saber gritted her teeth, using her compressed air sword to block each and every blow in a burst of sparks. It was a difficult fight, Saber wasn't used to fighting on such unusual terrain where every step was a balancing act. 

Saber leaped back and landed on another girder as Assassin grinned brightly and leaped high into the air.. 

"Teeheehee! Normally this would be the perfect conditions for our Noble Phantasm!" said Assassin with a chuckle as she leaped into the shadows, turning into a near invisible blur as she stealthed around the building.  Her voice echoed around the area..

"A woman... the middle of the night..  The perfect conditions for Maria the Ripper we think.. teehee.." the little girl's voice echoed around. "Absolutely perfect.."

"Revealing too much about your Noble Phantasm aren't you?" said Saber. "A little more and I might just learn your true name."

"Teeheeheehee.. as if you would figure our name out.." said Assassin's echoing voice, while Saber looked around carefully for the source.. the sound of Assassin's darting echoing  through the support beams.  "We aren't a normal Assassin Servant.. we aren't subject to the same weaknesses.."

Saber gritted her teeth. She knew that Assassin was right. This Servant.. there was something odd about her compared to the usual Assassin classes. 

Saber glanced over at Mikoto, who was standing up carefully, looking around too. 

"you know.." Assassin's voice echoed. "we're  a little surprised you don't just let her die... Haven't you heard the news? The rules are different this time around... if your master dies.. you will live... with such a suicidal master.. it's quite pointless having her around don't you agree? With the dead weight gone.. you can hunt for the grail... and we can play properly.. cause your mana supply will be your own! teeheehee!"

Mikoto's eyes widened as she heard this. "What do you mean!? She's.. held back by me!?"

"Oh.. don't you know.. at the end of the grail war.. only one Servant survives.. usually at the end of each Grail War.. the servants all disappear.. but whoever wins this time, gets to keep living on..  We want to live too... so we can go playing with people again.. especially women... gutting them.. killing them.. so much fun.. teeheeheehee.."

Mikoto looked at Saber. "Leave me.. she only wants to kill me for now.. GO!"

Saber stared at Mikoto. Back during the old days.. Saber's duty to the place she came from would've outshone her compassion for others.. despite her inner turmoil.. but now.. after all she had been through.. after her former Master..

Saber glared furiously at Mikoto and smacked her in the face.

"OWWWW!" Mikoto stammered. "WHAT THE HELL!?"

"Don't you DARE tell me to do such a thing!!" Saber growled. "You would reduce my pride as a knight to merely abandoning my liege for myself!!?"

"No.. I mean OUCH!! REALLY!" Mikoto stammered looking up at Saber showing she had a black eye. 

"EEEEH!?" Saber stammered, going red. "I.. I forgot how strong I was..  wait.. that's not the point, the point is-.. I'm not going to abandon you!"

"I'm ordering you to." said Mikoto, glaring at Saber. "I'm your master right? So that means you need to obey me.. I'm ordering you to let me die.."

Assassin landed on a nearby girder.. sitting down and crossing her legs, watching and smiling. "Ooooooohh.. that's new.. We've never seen anybody do something this weird! A master ordering a Servant to let her die!? First you're an esper, now you pull THIS off? we guess the new rules for the Final Grail War must be responsible.. before Servants died if Masters died.."

A Certain Magical Fate. Book 1: Saber.Where stories live. Discover now