Worst Luck

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"Do you know how it feels, to let go of someone you really love for a long time, just for them to be happy?", I said venting to Santana.

"I mean I don't want her to be miserable but I needed to see something to show that she actually loved me. She looks so happy without me and what am I suppose to think when I see that?", I said sadly while sipping on my wine.

We were outside in front of Santana's fire pit in her backyard. Tonight was one of the nights where she knew I needed her.

No response was needed from her she just pulled me into her. We sat there for hours just talking and my mind just kept replaying memories in my head.

"Everything will work out in the end, I promise you", she said.

"Thank you", I said softly. "For always being there for me even though I'm always sad", I added.

"I'll always be here for you and no you're not always sad. You're just trying to heal", she said softly.

We walked back in as soon as Brittany opened the door. I smiled as the family greeted each other.

"Y/n/n", Brittany smiled hugging me tightly instantly reminding me of the younger child.

"Hey brit", I smiled.

As she placed her stuff down I turned to Santana.

"I'm going to start heading back", I stated.

"No", she said.

"No?", I asked confused.

"No you're staying with me", she said.

"You guys are having family time", I said not wanting to intrude.

"You are our family", Brittany said walking back into her room.

"Stay", she said smiling.

"Please?", Brittany and Isabella said pouting.

Gosh it's double pouting.


"Ok I'll stay", I said giving in.

"Yay", Brittany squealed making me chuckle.

The rest of the night was spent having dinner and watching movies.

"I'll go tuck her in", I said to the couple as I looked down to see Isabella asleep in my arms.

They nodded and I got up walking to her bedroom. I tucked her in and kissed her head.

"Night princess", I said walking out.

I was pretty tired so I said goodnight to the couple before heading upstairs to the guest bedroom that I always sleep in when I stay over.

I showered and changed into more comfortable clothing. I always have clothes over here because I sleepover sometimes unexpectedly like today. I yawned and got under the comforters.

It took an hour or so for me to actually fall asleep but I eventually did.
I woke up the next morning pretty early. Brittany figured that Isabella snuck off to my room like she usually does when I stay and got her ready for school.

I got up and was ready to head out the same time as Brittany was.

"I'll see you later",I said hugging the couple.

"Bye cutie", I said leaning down to hug Isabella.

"Bye y/n/n", she said hugging me.

I walked down the driveway and got in my car driving away. I got home and changed into some sweats and a shirt.

I grabbed my boxing gloves and stuffed it in my gym bag before grabbing two bottles of water. I strapped the bag across my shoulder before heading out.

"Good morning", max greeted.

"Morning", I greeted.

While he opened up the gym I started stretching.

"You ready for today?", he asked.

I knew what that meant. He will work me out extra hard today. I mean I train hard everyday but I just knew today would be a lot more difficult.

"You got this", he chuckled patting my back. "Alright lets start with jump rope", he said.

I grabbed a jump rope and started jumping just to get my heart rate up a little. We did that for the first few minutes before we got into the workout.

Hour and a half later
I gasped for air as I laid on the floor. We had finished off the workout with sprints and I am fried.

"Great job", max said holding out his hand for a high five.

I groaned as I moved my arm to give him one. He chuckled and pulled me up. I drank water and ate a banana because he said it would prevent me from passing out or something due to how hard the workout was.

I left shortly after saying bye. I got in my car and headed back home. I showered and walked out feeling completely refreshed.

As I got out I saw that I got a missed call from Andrew, my manager. I picked my phone up and called him back.

"Hola ms. Y/l/n", he greeted.

"What's up Andrew", I greeted.

"Nothing much just wondering if you considered the opportunity", he said.

I stayed silent.

"Come on just one award show to see if you still enjoy it", he said.

I remained silent.

"Just one", he pleaded.

"And if you don't like it I promise you I'll never ask you to come out here again", he added.

"Alright fine", I sighed.

Santana is going to kill me. She hates the guy.

"Great I'll email you the details", he said.

"Alright thanks", I said hanging up.
Short time skip*

"You what?!!?", santana yelled through the phone.

I pulled the phone away from my ear as she started yelling in Spanish. I waited a few minutes before putting the phone back to my ear.

"Are you crazy?", she yelled.

"I know I just want to see if I would ever go back", I said. She sighed.

"Y/n you know I'll support you through everything but are you sure this is the best decision?", she asked.

"No but I just want to try it out", I said.

"Ok I'll support you", she said.

"Good now will you guys go out there with me?", I asked.

"You want us to go to LA?", she asked.

"Yea I mean I know you guys have never been so I thought it would be fun", I said.

"Yea it does sound fun, I'll talk to Brittany about it", she said.

"Alright keep me updated", I said.

"I will. Love you", she said.

"Love you too", I said hanging up.

I grabbed my laptop and looked at the email Andrew sent.

So it looks like the award show is in two weeks which gives me enough time to rehearse. I had a song that I had written that I think would be perfect but I had to send it to Andrew to see what he thinks.

I bit my nails nervously before hitting send. I haven't put anything out in so long. Have I lost my ability to write good music? Will he hate it?

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