Sweat Creature

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Later that day

I went home and showered.

After I was done I wrapped myself in a towel and put some underwear on.

I dropped the towel before going to blow dry my hair. After it was fully dry I started straightening it. I rarely straighten my hair anymore but trust me when I do I make sure I show out.

I ran my hand through my silky hair. I put some lotion on and pulled on the dress.

Wow this makes my ass look so good.

I looked at my self in the mirror making sure that everything looked ok.

I decided to put light makeup on and applied some matte lip stick which you can basically never go wrong with.

We were all going together so I just waited for the text from Lauren when they get here. I sang along to some songs that were playing on my speakers for the meanwhile.

I waited for about 15 minutes before I got the text that they were outside.

I pulled my heels on and grabbed my purse before heading downstairs. I locked the door and walked to the elevator.

I pressed the first floor button and waited as the elevator moved. I walked out of the elevator and walked towards the building's double doors.

"Thank you", I smiled as one of the guys opened the door for me.

"No problem", he responded.

I blushed as I immediately heard whistles from the limo.

"Wow you look amazing", the girls complimented.

"Thank you", I said.

"You girls look hot", I said looking around the vehicle. A whole of jumbled 'thank you' went around the limo.

As we drove there we sang along to the songs that were playing on the radio. We then pulled up to the huge gate.

Of course.

We got through and I could see the driveway swamped with cars. We got out and walked to the front together.

"Did I mention that you look hot?", Camila whispered in my ear.

"Why thank you sexy", I smirked.

The door opened to reveal ms. Snake queen herself.

She squealed and hugged all the girls, then they introduced me to her. I was expecting a hand shake or something but she hugged me.

"I've heard a lot of good things about you", she said bringing us into the house. As we walked in I looked at Camila.

"You're ok", she chuckled squeezing my arm a little.

She introduced me to her squad and not going to lie they were cool.

Maybe she's not as bad as I thought.

While the girls were with Taylor I snuck off to get a drink.

Santana is starting to rub off a little too much on me.

I was instantly met with a bunch of celebs as I walked downstairs. I knew most of them so it took a long time to greet all of them.

I finally made my way to the bar. I ordered a drink that was basically fruit punch with vodka in it. I took a sip and looked around.

"Hello beautiful", I heard from next to me.

I was about to groan when I was met with a extremely hot guy.

She Used To Be Mine (Camila/you)Where stories live. Discover now