I'll Never Be Over You

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Over the next few days I felt way better and I made sure that the family enjoyed every single minute of the trip.

This is their last night so we decided to go to a carnival. Isabella pulled Brittany along with her everywhere so santana and I kind of just walked in the back.

"Y/n/n", santana said.

"Yea", I said looking at her.

She sighed and I pulled her into me as she wrapped her arms around my waist.

"What's wrong?", I asked.

"It's just I'm worried", she said. "About you", she added.

"Don't be", I comforted.

"Just promise me something", she said.

"Anything", I replied.

"When you guys do get back in a relationship please be careful. Not trying to doubt you guys or anything but I don't want to see you hurt again", she said.

"I'll be careful", I assured. "I love you sanny", I said smiling slightly.

"I love you too y/n/n", she said bringing me into a tight hug.

When she pulled away I smiled. I looked to see Brittany and Isabella waiting for us. I put santana on my back and walked.

"What are you doing?", she laughed.

"Carrying you", I chuckled. Brittany beamed at the sight.

"You guys are cute", she chuckled taking a picture.

We both did duck lips but santana threw up a peace sign. I continued walking around with her on my back as Isabella got on Brittany's.

We got on a bunch of rides and I even won something for each of them. We got back in the car when it started getting late. We sang along loudly to the radio as we drove home.

Once we got there we quickly got in because it's starts freezing at night. Brittany put Isabella to bed and walked back out to the living room.

She sat in the middle of the couch and pulled me and santana into her. I chuckled and cuddled up to her.

"My family", Brittany said smiling.

It made my heart warm every time they said that. We spent the rest of the night talking and watching movies.

Next Day
"You guys sure?", I asked.

"Yea we are going to be fine", santana assured.

"We will miss you y/n/n", Brittany said bringing me into a group hug.

"I'll miss you guys too", I smiled. "You too little one", I said tickling Isabella. She giggled and tried to get away from my fingers.

I smiled and kissed her cheek. I waved bye as they got into the car.

After they left I went upstairs and took a shower. It was going to be a long day in the studio so it's best to leave early.

I got changed and pulled my hair in a messy bun. I grabbed my bag and phone before leaving.

I got into the car and drove off. I was humming along to the radio before my phone started ringing. I looked down to see that it was dinah.

I answered when I stopped at a light and put it on speaker.

"Hello", I said.

"Hey y/n, you up to nothing today?", she asked.

"Yea I'm heading to the studio, why?", I asked.

"Because I'm in LA all by myself and I'm bored", she groaned.

"I can pick you up", I offered.

"You sure?", she asked.

"Yea I would like the company too", I said.

"Alright I'll just get ready", she said.

"Alright see you soon", I said before hanging up.

I then drove off into the direction of her house. I pulled up and parked in the driveway. I texted her that I was here and she soon walked out.

"Hey finah dinah", I greeted hugging her.

"Hey y/n/n", she smiled. As I pulled off she turned to me.

"So does this mean I get to hear your new stuff", she asked smiling.

"Yea", I said causing her to squeal. We were talking but her phone started ringing.

"Hey camila", she smirked answering.

I looked at her suspiciously.

"Oh I'm just with y/n/n heading to the studio", she said. I could hear Camila saying something but I couldn't understand what.

"You should come", dinah said smirking.

She started saying something else but I of course still couldn't understand.

"Of course she would want you to come", she said. "Wouldn't you y/n?", dinah said putting the phone on speaker.

"Dinah what the hell? She's right there?", Camila asked in a panic voice.

"I wouldn't mind", I said into the receiver.

I could tell her breath hitched which made me want to laugh.

"You should come seriously" , I said.

"Ok", she whispered.

Dinah put the phone back to her ear. Once they hung up dinah turned to me laughing.

"She's so going to kill me later", she said. "The things I do for y/s/n", she added.

We got and walked to the front.

"By the way she was already here", she informed making me nod. I got the key from the lady at the front and walked to the room.

As soon as I turned the corner there she was looking beautiful.

She smiled as we walked towards her.

Dinah hugged her and I didn't know what to do.

She pulled me into a warm hug and I sighed relaxing in her arms. She rested her head against my shoulder and let out a breath.

I didn't notice that we were hugging for a long tine until dinah cleared her throat.

I pulled away and blushed as Dinah smirked. I opened the door and held the door open for them.

"Thanks", they said and I nodded.

She Used To Be Mine (Camila/you)Where stories live. Discover now