Ain't It Fun

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"We should totally get nurf guns like we used to", Camila suggested drying her hair.

"That actually sounds good", I said.

I had went home to shower and change because I didn't want to keep borrowing Camila's clothes. By the time I got back she was finishing up drying her hair.

"You sound surprised", she pointed out smiling.

"Because", I said.

"Not a real reason", she said.

"Totally is", I replied.

"How so?", she asked.

"Because", I said leaving it at that.

She playfully rolled her eyes as I laughed.

"Lauren had too much influence on you, didn't she?", I asked jokingly.

"Don't even st-", she began.

"My camren dreams", I said interrupting.

"Ugh", she groaned.

"You guys are goals", I teased.

She turned around and walked towards me.

"Are you ever going to stop shipping camren?", she asked.

"Hell no", I responded.

She leaned down and pecked my lips.

"How about now?", she asked.

"No", I responded.

She leaned and kissed me for a little longer.

"Now?", she asked.

"Maybe", I responded pulling her into a long kiss.

She smiled against my lips. We pulled away a while later.

"You ready?", she asked and I slowly nodded still dazed by the kiss. She grabbed her stuff and held her hand out for me to take. I grabbed it and we were soon out the door.

Skip Car Ride*
We pulled up to the toys r us store.

"I feel like a kid again", I said getting out of the car.

"Me too", she responded.

I was about to intertwine our fingers out of habit, but I know she just wants our close friends to know right now.

I know you're probably asking why not. I  am apart of this fandom and while others might find it great that we are back together, there are going to be others. They either ship us or her and Austin, which means if those that ship caustin see us holding hands they would probably think this whole relationship is for promo because her album is on the way.

"I can practically hear you thinking", Camila said pulling me out of my thoughts. 

She then wrapped her arms around my waist as we walked into the store.

"What were you thinking about?", she asked.

"Oh it's nothing important", I responded.

"You sure?", she asked softly.

"Yea", I replied.

"Hmm ok", she said leading us to a section.

"Which ones?", I asked seeing the wide variety of toy guns.

"Uhhhh", she began looking on the shelves. "This one looks cool", she said grabbing one.

"Definitely getting that", I said and she placed it in the basket.

She Used To Be Mine (Camila/you)Where stories live. Discover now