She Used To Be Mine

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It's been two weeks since she walked away.

Two weeks since she thought that I would be better off without her.

Two weeks and she thinks that I need to move on.

Two weeks since I haven't left the bed.

Two weeks that I haven't seen her.

Two weeks of excruciating heartache.

I talk to santana and Brittany but I know how to put my mask on.

I know how to hide what I'm feeling pretty well. Or maybe it's because they're not seeing me up close. But either way I don't want them to be worried about me.

No one knows what went down that day.

All the girls know is that I haven't tried to talk to anyone since that day.

I haven't heard about Camila either since that day. I know she's still in LA but that's it.

I only leave the house when I need to.

I've tried to bring myself to sell the place but I can't because it hurts too much.

This is where we lived together for gods sake.

She thought she was doing me a favor but she wasn't.

Today I need to go out because I have a performance on Ellen. And I need to not look so depressed because it's being broadcasted on TV.

I sat backstage as they put makeup on my face and did my hair.

Andrew thought it would be great to perform a new song.

I showed him this new one and he loved it.

I think my sad ass songs is starting to rub off on him.

I got into a dress before waiting for them to call me to the stage.

"Please welcome y/n y/l/n", Ellen said making the audience cheer.

I waved and smiled to the small audience before hugging her.

Once the crowd settled down we began.

"First off its great to have you back", ellen said.

"I'm glad to be back", I said.

"So lets start with your break", she said making me nod.

"Three years is a long time. Why so long?", she asked.

"I left because of obvious reasons", I said making her nod.

"But I stayed so long because I just felt like I started a whole new life. I met a really beautiful family that have always been supported since I moved there. And I guess I just didn't want to leave that behind", I said.

I smiled as they brought up a picture of us from the awards show. They crowd awed at the picture.

"They must be important to you", she said.

"They mean everything to me", I said.

"You mentioned that you left for obvious reasons which we all know why I think", she said making me nod.

"Now that you're back do you think that you're effected by what made you leave?", she asked.

I cleared my throat before starting.

"I mean it affects me still but I missed this place and I think this is where I need to be", I answered.

"Yea can we all agree that she needs to stay?", she asked the crowd making them cheer.

She Used To Be Mine (Camila/you)Where stories live. Discover now