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"All that over a Pepsi commercial?", I asked as Dinah informed about the whole Kendall Jenner situation.

"Yea let's see what else", she said thinking.

"One direction broke up", she said.

"Nooooo", I whined.

"Justin and Selena are back together", she said.

"Wait really?", I asked. She nodded.

"They finally got their shit together", I said happy that they were just happy.

"So what about you?", I asked.

"What about me?", she blushed already knowing where I was going.

"Anyone special?", I asked. She shook her head and I gasped.

"Howwww??!??", I asked.

She shrugged and I shook my head.

"I refuse to believe that you're still single", I said making her laugh.

We spent the rest of the day just talking and laughing. It was now kind of late in the afternoon.

"You wanna go out to eat?", she asked.

"Yea I'll just take a shower", I said making her nod.

I went to the bathroom and showered. I left my hair in its natural waves and got dressed in some casual clothing. I walked out to see Dinah and she looked like she showered but I'm not going to ask how.

"Are the girls worried about you?", I asked as we walked out.

"No, they know that I'm here with you", she said making me nod.

We walked out and was blinded my flashes. I pulled dinah into me protectively as we walked towards the car. They were yelling that it was great to have me back so I just smiled and pushed through.

There was one statement that me abruptly stop.

"Y/n no", Dinah begged hearing what he said.

First Camila and now Dinah wow.

I clenched my jaw and kept walking.

You doing it to get at Camila because she's with austin?

"Back the fuck up", I said as he kept getting in our personal space. I lost it when he touched me.

I turned and punched him straight in the jaw. He knocked out cold as everyone kept snapping pictures. My hand didn't even hurt. His friends tried to help him up but he was out cold. We got in the car and Dinah turned to me.

"Are you crazy?", she asked.

"He shouldn't have touched me, and he was being an asshole", I said calmly.

She called someone down to help him out. Once she made sure that he was fine we left.

"Let me see your hand", she said.

"I'm fine", I said looking out the window.

She grabbed my hand anyway and gently ran her thumb over my knuckles.

"Does it hurt?", she asked.

I shook my head and she grabbed some type of wipes.

"Where did you even get that?", I asked amused.

"We always drive with first aid kits", she smiled. She wrapped a bandage around my knuckles since they were bruised.

"Where did you learn to punch like that?", she asked.

"I've been boxing for years", I said.

"Gosh no wonder", she said. "You look good by the way", she added.

"Thanks, same to you finah dinah", I said.

"I missed that", she laughed. I joined in with her soon after. "I missed you", she said softly after the laughter died out. "So much", she added and I looked at her worried as her voice sounded shaken.

I hugged her as I saw that she was tearing up.

I didn't even think that me leaving would affect her this much.

I gently rubbed her back comfortingly.

"I'm glad you're back", she smiled pulling away and wiping her tears. I smiled and looked down. We got out as the car stopped.

"You brought me to my favorite place", I gushed not seeing this restaurant in ages.

"Yep", she smiled pulling me inside.

Wow it looks so different.

"You know I heard but I didn't think it was true", I heard from in a distance. "Come here", tony said pulling me into a tight hug.

Tony is the restaurant owner and we've gotten close while I was here with this being my favorite restaurant.

"It's good to see you", I smiled hugging him.

"You too", he smiled pulling away.

"But if you leave for that long again I'm sending my team out there for you", he said laughing but a part of me believed that it was a definite possibility.

"Wouldn't dream of it", I chuckled.

He led us to a table. Even though he changed around the restaurant he still had the table that I always sat at in the same spot.

"I couldn't bring myself to move it", he said as we sat. I smiled remembering all the times I came here.

"I'll be your guys waiter today", he said. "Would you like the usual?", he asked.

"You still remember?", I asked smiling.

"Of course", he said and I nodded.

He wrote it down and Dinah ordered. I looked around and smiled.

"See everyone missed you", dinah said softly.


I felt the familiar warm feeling in my heart. It feels like how I felt while I was back in Ohio. Home.

She Used To Be Mine (Camila/you)Where stories live. Discover now