Falling For You

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Y/N's POV continued
"OH MY GOD THERES A LAKE TOO?", I squealed pulling her with me as I ran towards it.

Her laughter filled the night sky.

I loved the feeling of the cool night breeze as I ran.

I slowed down as I walked onto the small bridge that looked over the beautiful lake.

This view was absolutely perfect. Fairy lights stringed across the railing. The moon and stars shining bright in the night sky.

"You're crazy", Camila said making me look to her. I smiled widely at the beauty next to me.

"What can I say? I love lakes", I said looking out at the lake.

She stood next to me and put her hand over mine that was resting against the railing. I could feel her looking at me. I turned to see her smiling at me.

"I love your crazy ass", she said softly.

I smiled and squeezed her hand a little.

"I love you too", I said.

She moved closer to me and I wrapped my arm her shoulder. She intertwined our fingers and rested her head against my shoulder as we looked out at the lake.

This is honestly the best day ever. I got the love of my life in my arms. I feel complete again. I know we are not officially together again, but it doesn't matter. I wish I could capture this moment on camera.

"I'm so happy you came", she said bringing me out of my trance.

"I'm happy you were home. Imagine how bad it would've been if you weren't there", I said making her chuckle.

"It would've been so bad", she said.

She turned to me. I turned to face her also. She reached up and caressed my cheek softly. I got lost in her beautiful brown eyes.

"Can I kiss you?", I whispered.

She nodded and slowly leaned in. I leaned in the rest of the way and locked lips with her.

I felt butterflies all through my body immediately. I kissed her slowly and passionately.

The feeling of her lips on mine was absolute perfection.

She made me feel warm inside.

She made me feel comfortable and loved just through her kisses.

She made me feel like I'm special. Like she doesn't want or need anyone but me and I love it.

We pulled away when air became an issue.

I stood there for a while still recovering. I opened my eyes when I felt her hands against my cheek.

"That was...", I trailed not knowing how to describe it.

"Amazing", she finished softly.

I hummed and nodded my head agreeing.

"You're doing great so far with making me regain your trust", I said making her smile widely.

"I'm glad", she breathed out.

I held her hand leading her to a nearby bench.

It was quiet because we were the only ones at the park.

I sat down and pulled her on to my lap.

She smiled and wrapped her arms around my neck as she looked down at me.

"You make me so happy", she said softly.

"You make me even happier", I replied smiling up at her.

She Used To Be Mine (Camila/you)Where stories live. Discover now