Sign Of The Times/In My Blood

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Today is my last day in the hospital and I couldn't be more happier.

Santana, Brittany and Isabella flew home a few days ago because I told them to. They didn't want to go but they were already missing days at work and Isabella was missing out on school so I already felt bad.

Even though they didn't like it, I put a lot of money in both of their bank accounts because they deserved it and I felt bad for them always having to fly out here.

I updated and talked to them every single day though. The girls still came to visit me everyday also except for Camila.

My eye is practically healed up but it did leave a scar just below my left eyebrow. My neck was slowly getting better to where I could move it with little discomfort.

My arm was.....still broken. My ribs were slowly but surely healing. The headaches were lightening up a little.

"Hey girl", dinah smiled hugging me.

"Hey", I smiled. I already had my bag ready so all I had to do was go home.

"Hey girly", the nurse said walking in.

"Hey", I smiled.

She helped me get in the wheelchair. Even though I didn't like it she said it was "hospital protocol". She wheeled me out and I carefully got into Dinah's car.

They put something between my mid section and the seatbelt before closing the door. All the nurses that I knew waved bye as I waved back.

"So how you feeling?", dinah asked pulling out of the parking lot.

"Much better I just want to get back to my regular life as soon as possible", I said.

"Which means taking it easy", dinah said. "So you're staying with me and don't argue because you are not staying in that house by yourself", she informed.

"I wasn't even going to argue", I said smiling.

"Sure you weren't", she said chuckling.

I thought we would be back at the hotel but she pulled up to a house.

"Finally bought a place", she said.

"Wow dinah I'm proud of you. You're finally growing up", I smiled. I laughed as she playfully glared at me.

She helped me out of the car and into the house.

"Wow nice place", I said looking around.

"Thanks", she smiled.

Once we were settled I walked to the couch. I slowly sat down and she sat next to me.

"So you and zac huh?", I asked.

"No", she said blushing.

"Oh please I've seen you guys", I teased.

"You guys would be cute by the way", I said.

"How about you and Camila huh?", she teased back.

"Nothing going on there", I chuckled.

"And why is that?", she asked.

"I haven't seen her since that day she left. She has a boyfriend and even though I love her I just can't see myself ruining that", I said.

"So you've changed your mind?", she asked.

"I don't know yet", I responded.

"You know San is going to kill you right?", she asked.

"Fully aware", I chuckled.

"Even though you guys are my ship I will support your decision. But if you guys were meant to be it will all work out", she said.

"I believe that too", I said.

"Just promise me not to sleep around", she said making me laugh.

"I mean even if I did, I wouldn't be that good right now", I said motioning at my arm making her gasp before laughing. My phone rang and she reached over to answer it.

"Dinah speaking", she answered as I just smiled shaking my head.

"Wait are you the blonde?", she asked. The person was saying something before dinah handed me the phone.

"Hey quinn", I said already knowing that it was her.

"Jesus y/n thank god you're ok", she sighed.

"Y/n I was so worried. I saw in the papers that something had happened and I was freaking out", she said sounding stressed.

"Quinnie I'm ok don't worry", I said trying to comfort her. I covered the receiver and turned to Dinah.

"Can I invite her over?", I asked.

"Of course", she responded.

"Hey how about you come over I'll send you the address", I said.

"Ok", she said softly.

I sent her the address and we hung up. I sighed looking down at the phone.

The worst thing ever is a sad quinn. She's the type of person that if you see her cry,no matter how tough you are, you start crying.

I reached down grabbing the blanket Isabella got me.

"Don't judge me", I said as Dinah raised a brow.

"I'm totally not", she chuckled.

"It's really comfy", I said lifting it so she could get under it too.

"Wow it is", she said getting under.

"And then it has all my favorite cartoons, so it makes it that much more amazing.", I added.

"You like courage the cowardly dog?", she asked looking down at the area on the blanket.

"Yea", I said.

"That show was scary as hell", she said.

"I know right", I said. "But it was so good", I added.

We talked for a while before the doorbell rung.

"Must be your girlfriend", dinah teased before getting up.

It took a while before they finally came back into view. Quinn walked up and carefully hugged me. I smiled and relaxed in her embrace.

"I'm ok", I whispered as she buried her face in my neck.

We pulled away when Dinah cleared her throat. I pulled quinn onto the couch and cuddled into her while her and Dinah talked.

They were laughing about something that I was too tired to pay attention to.

I eventually drifted off, while in her arms.

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