Call Out My Name

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"In the end, we all just want someone that chooses us. Over everyone else, under any circumstances".

I slowly walked to the room. I don't want to go really but I guess I have to.

"Good luck", zac said patting my back before opening the door.

I sat on the seat as I was met with glares.

"I leave you alone for an hour and this is what you get yourself into?", dinah scolded.

"Look I'm sorry, but that asshole had it coming", I defended.

"How?", Camila asked and I could tell she was upset with me.

I sighed and looked down not wanting to say it.

I mean how do you tell your ex that her boyfriend is a fucking weirdo that almost got you killed, yea you don't.

"Damn it just say it", she said obviously furious with me.

"Fine, well I was minding my own business and got in the studio with no fucking problem. Then all of a sudden your weird stalkish-like asshole dorito breath boyfriend knocks on the door. And he's saying that he's glad that I listened to him about staying away from you. So I tried closing the door to avoid drama then he stops it with his foot. He then says those girls beat some sense into me, which was totally uncalled for. Then he says something about it being sad that they couldn't deliver the message and I didn't tell him about anything that happened,unless you told him about it", I started and she shook her head. "See so if you didn't tell him, I know his sneaky ass had something to do with it so I kicked his ass and I'm not sorry for it", I ended as realization hit them.

They stayed quiet for a bit and I looked to Camila to see her looking down.

"How do I know I can believe you?", she asked.

Ok that was hurtful.

"Really Camila", I yelled. "When have I EVER fucking lied to you?", I asked.

She looked in my eyes and sighed.

"He planned all of this. I stayed away. And he just comes and tries to start shit like he always does", I said.

"I'm sorry", Camila said.

I sighed and shook my head.

"I'm sorry for everything", she said looking into my eyes.

I looked away and got up walking to the door.

Zac opened the door with a nod to the girls and I walked back to the cell.

As I was walking back I saw the lady from the front desk.

"I'm getting you out", she said and I nodded smiling slightly.

"Thank you", I mouthed to her making her nod.

They eventually agreed to ask some questions from both me and Austin at different times. Luckily there were cameras all over that place and the audio was excellent. Austin's story didn't match up. So I was out by the end of the day.

I don't think they had enough evidence to say that he was involved yet, but I did get away with kicking his ass.

"Do you wish to press charges?", zac asked.

"No just keep him away from me", I said and he nodded.

I hugged him bye and walked out. I walked out to see everyone waiting for me. The lady at the front desk was the first to see me.

"Thank god", she said hugging me.

"Thank you for everything", I said knowing that her cooperation helped get me out.

"No problem didn't like that guy anyway", she said whispering the last part which made me smile.

I then pulled away to hug the girls even Camila.

"Need a ride home?",dinah asked.

"I'll do it", Camila said before I could answer.

Dinah gave us a look but I just nodded.

Oh god, here we go.

We walked into the cold LA night air. It was quiet, the only noise was our footsteps.

I felt a jacket wrap around me.

"Camila you don't need to", I said trying to shrug off the jacket.

"No it's fine", she said pulling the jacket back up on to me.

I sighed and pulled her in to me so that she wouldn't be cold.

Once we got to the car we both got in. She turned the heat on and we sat in silence waiting for the car to warm up.

She, of course, broke the silence soon after.

"I'm sorry", she said turning to me.

"It's fine", I said.

"No it's not", she said.

"Yea it is, it's your boyfriend and I wouldn't want to believe me either", I said.

"He's not my boyfriend anymore", she said. "I just can't believe he would do something like that. That's border line crazy", she said.

"Do you forgive me?", she asked.

"You didn't do anything wrong", I said.

"Just say it so I can feel better", she said making me chuckle.

"Ok I forgive you", I said. "For not doing anything wrong at all", I said causing her to laugh.

I smiled and adjusted the ice pack.

"Is your wrist ok?", she asked looking down at my hand.

"Yea just a little sprain", I said.

She removed the ice pack and began rubbing my hand.

I slowly looked up at her and she smiled slightly.

I clenched my jaw as I felt butterflies.

Why do I always put my myself in positions like this?

"I should've know he would do something like this", she said softly.

"Why? He didn't hit you did he?", I asked immediately.

"No he didn't", she assured.

"He would just get extremely upset whenever I tried to visit you in the hospital and I just didn't want to deal with it", she said.

"That's why you didn't come?", I asked.

She nodded sadly.

"I thought you just didn't want to see me", I said.

"I always want to see you", she said softly. She let go of my wrist and put the ice pack on before pulling out of the parking lot.

"I live over here now", I said before she turned in the direction to the house that I sold. She looked at me slightly confused.

"I sold the house", I said before looking down.

"You did?", she asked basically whispering.

I could hear the pain in her voice.

I nodded and she cleared her throat before looking back towards the road.

She just mumbled a k.

"Can I take you somewhere first?", she asked.

"Sure", I said.

We drove in comfortable silence but I still didn't know where she was taking us.

She Used To Be Mine (Camila/you)Where stories live. Discover now