If I Die Young

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I felt an excruciating pain all over my body.

Did I make it?

I tried opening my eyes but they wouldn't budge. I eventually gave up and tried to move my fingers but they wouldn't cooperate either and it felt heavy.

I tried everything but I couldn't move. I just kept hearing beeps.

Is this hell? I was sorry that I accidentally stepped on that snail but this is a little harsh if I'm in hell for it.

I gathered all my strength or lack there of and tried to move.

I finally managed to open one eye.

Good I'm not dead. Thank you God.

My one good eye scanned around the room and figured that all these people in here are sleeping.

I couldn't tell who they were though because it was really dark. I looked over at my hands to see that one of my arms were in a cast and someone was holding it.

I didn't know who but I'm assuming I know them. I needed water but I couldn't talk.

Ok maybe I have to wake someone up because my throat is dry as hell.

I relaxed for a while before moving my hand again. I wanted to smile when the person stirred. I did it again so that they could wake up.

"Y/n/n?", I heard.


"Mommy", she said shaking my guess is Brittany because the figure looked too tall to be santana.

"Yea", she answered tiredly.

"Aunty y/n/n is awake", she said causing Brittany to shoot up.

Soon the whole room was awake and the nurse was shining a light in my eye. I tried moving my head away but I couldn't.

"Welcome back", she smiled. She adjusted the bed and put a glass of water to my lips.

Thank you Jesus.

I drank the water and sighed as my throat felt 100 times better. I could finally open my mouth.

"What's your name?", she asked.

"Y/n y/l/n", I said wanting to cringe at how I sounded.

"What year is it?", she asked.

"2018", I answered.

"Do you know what state you're in?", she asked.

"In California",I answered and she nodded.

"Last one do you know these people?", she asked.

"Yes", I said looking around the room.

I saw santana, Brittany, isabella, dinah, Lauren, ally, mani, and lastly Camila looking back at me. They all looked stressed out and tired.

I groaned as I felt the pain come back 10 times worse through my head. The nurse quickly put me on some medication and the pain slowly subsided.

"So you were in a coma for a few days", the nurse informed.

"Coma?", I asked shocked and tried sitting up.

"Yea", she said putting her hand on my shoulder. I laid back and she continued.

"You took several blows to the head with the bat which could've killed you but luckily it didn't. You have a concussion, broken ribs, broken arm, a sprained neck, sprained ankle, got shot in the shoulder and you can't see out of one of your eyes because it is swollen shut", she said.

God damn.

I closed my eyes and let out an angry sigh.

I'm going to find those bitches and get pay back.

She made sure that everything was semi normal before telling us to get some rest. We all knew no one would.

I looked at everyone and they all looked like they were scared to touch me except for Isabella. 

"Y/n/n", she said carefully touching my hand.

"Hey sweetie", I got out and managed to weakly smile. She started crying which made my heartache.

"Don't cry baby I'll be alright", I said trying to comfort the little girl but I couldn't because I could barely move.

I looked at santana for help and she took Isabella into her arms as she wept. I looked up again to see them in tears.

One by one they all carefully hugged me. I was tearing up because they all looked so sad.

Camila stood there afraid of walking to me.

"Come here", I whispered. She walked to me and hugged me. She held onto me and cried.

"Its ok", I comforted.

"I thought I lost you", she cried.

"You didn't", I said. "I'm always going to be here for you", I said managing to move my good arm slightly.

She pulled away sniffling and held onto my hand. She used her other hand and caressed my cheek.

I leaned my face into her hand and that's when I felt that my head was bandaged up. I looked up as I saw a guy walk in.

"Thank god your ok", he said.

"Thanks for saving my life", I said remembering him.

"No problem", he smiled.

It looked as if he had grown closer to these girls because he hugged everyone of them. My eyes were feeling heavy but I did enough sleeping already so I tried to keep them open.

"Go to sleep", Camila said squeezing my hand slightly.

"I-", I began.

"You're tired", she added.

She ran her thumb over my hand until I eventually fell asleep.

She Used To Be Mine (Camila/you)Where stories live. Discover now