Nothing Really Matters

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I groaned as my alarm went off. I blindly reached over and hit the button to shut it off. I rubbed my eyes and looked around the dark room.

The neon green numbers showed that it was 4:45 am. I yawned and got up to shower.

I felt more energized after my shower. I changed into some workout clothes before drying my hair and putting it in a high ponytail.

It was now 5:30 am so I grabbed my bag before leaving. I shot camila a text before getting in my car.

Y/N- Good morning beautiful

Knowing that she wouldn't reply til after a while I drove to the gym. I got warmed up for about 15 minutes by hitting the bags. After I was done I went to the weights section. I challenged myself today since I have been out for a while. Even though I challenged myself I knew my limits to where I couldn't injure myself.
I let out a breath as I finished. I looked at my phone and saw that it was 7:30 am. I grabbed my things and drove back to my place. I showered and got changed.

I plugged my phone up to the speaker and decided to make breakfast.

"Something bout you makes me feel like a dangerous woman", I sang along softly.

I made some pancakes, bacon and eggs. Once I sat down I heard my phone buzz. It's like 8:30 now.

Cuban Cutie🔥- 1) good morning cutie. 2) WHY THE HELL WERE YOU UP SO EARLY??!!?

I smiled seeing the text.

I waited like a minute or two before responding.


Don't judge me.

I don't like replying right after because then it seems like I'm waiting by my phone or something.

Y/N- I had to go to the gym

Cuban Cutie🔥- wow thanks for the invite

Y/N- I don't think you would be too happy if I called you at 5:00 am Cabello

Cuban Cutie🔥- Yea...... never mind. So what are you up to today?

Y/N- yes

Cuban Cutie🔥- ??

Y/N- whatever you want to ask me yes

Cuban Cutie🔥- how did you know I was going to ask something y/l/n?

Y/N- because I know you Cabello

Cuban Cuite🔥- ughhh Fine. Do you want to come over when you're free?

Y/N- I would love to

We agreed to meet up at like 2:00 pm since I would be in the studio for a bit today.

After I ate I drove to the studio. Luckily I didn't have to deal with dorito boy because he's banned from there. So I actually got stuff done with absolutely no distractions.

I finished recording a lot of songs, but needed a few more to be completely done.

I stretched and looked over at the clock to see that it was 4:00 pm.

Oh shit.

I grabbed my phone and turned it back on while quickly leaving the studio.

I got in my car and reversed out of the parking lot.

I was too scared to text her so I just drove to her place.

I parked and got out before ringing her doorbell. It took a few moments before she opened the door.

"I'm sorry I lost track of time", I apologized quickly. I was interrupted by her placing her fingers on my lips.

"It's ok I kind of figured", she said letting me in.

I slipped my shoes off and wrapped my arm around her from behind as she walked.

"So you're not mad?", I asked.

"Well....", she said trailing off.

"Noooo", I whined kissing her cheek.

"Just kidding I can never be mad at you", she said turning around in my arms.

I raised a brow.

"At least not for long", she added smiling.

"I promise I'll make it up to you", I said looking down at her.

"You already did by being here", she said softly.

"Cute", I said tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

She smiled and leaned up. I leaned in and softly captured her lips.

I gently held her face before pulling away slightly.

"You found parts of me I didn't know existed and in you I found a love I no longer believed was real."

She Used To Be Mine (Camila/you)Where stories live. Discover now