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A/N: Dang y'all there's only one more chapter after this😭😭

Y/n's POV
Camila and I were now walking back to her place. By now the sun was already going down.

The teddy bear was halfway up, so our upper bodies were now visible.

We walked in comfortable silence.

I was just day dreaming when I felt Camila bump into me. I looked down at her to see a playful smirk on her lips.

I tilted my head slightly while smiling down at her.

She bumped me again slightly.

She squealed as I began tickling her.

"Ok ok", she laughed out trying to control her laughter.

I chuckled and stopped before kissing her rosy cheeks.

We were now walking up to her front door.

We got in and I took off the teddy bear thing. She also took off hers. She held her hand out for me to take.

I held it and she intertwined our fingers.

She led us to the couch and laid down. I laid between her legs and her arms immediately wrapped around me.

"You're quiet", she pointed out softly.

I turned my head slightly and looked up at her.

"Like unusually quiet", she added kissing my cheek.

"Wow so I cant be quiet?", I asked chuckling.

"No because it's not your thing", she responded smiling.

I turned around so that I was facing her.

She reached up and squished my cheeks cooing.

"Will you ever stop squishing my cheeks?", I asked.

"Nope, at least not when we are together, and you are stuck with me so get used to it", she responded.

She leaned and in and pecked my lips over and over again.

I eventually started smiling.

She kissed down my jaw and wrapped her arms around me once again.

"Be mine?", she whispered against my neck.

Those words sent chills down my spine.

She pulled away and looked in my eyes.

"I was stupid for ever letting you go. I was stupid for breaking the trust you had for me. But I promise you with everything in me", she said grabbing my hands.

"I am completely in love with you and I will never make me you think that I don't ever again. I love you so much", she added.

I am pretty sure I was not breathing the whole time she was talking.

I was frozen at "Be mine?".

I almost forgot to answer her because I was so shocked.

"Promise?", I asked quietly while sitting up and facing her.

"Promise Love", she replied.

"I'd love to be yours", I said and she immediately broke out into a smile.

She squealed and tackled me back on the couch.

I laughed and held onto her as she pushed me back.

"You don't know how happy you just made me", she said excitedly.

I held her face in my hands as I smiled up at her.

"How happy did I just make you?", I asked smiling.

"Like infinity times this much", she said stretching her arms out as wide as she could.

I laughed at her cuteness.

"You make me happy too", I said.

She blushed and laid flush against me as her head rested on my chest.

"So so so so so happy", I added and felt her smile against my chest.
Little while later*

"Hmm I have to go", I said to Camila softly as her fingers ran through my hair.

With her doing just makes me feel way more tired.

She pouted at me and I couldn't help but hug her close to me.

She buried her face in the crook of my neck as she held on to me.

"Mmhhh ok just be careful on that stupid motorcycle", she said sounding muffled.

I will never get why she hates my motorcycles so much.

"I will", I chuckled out.

She pulled away slightly before pulling me into a innocent kiss.

After a while she pulled away so that I could get my stuff.

I placed my jacket on before grabbing my helmet.

"Be careful", she pleaded once again.

"I will, don't worry I'll be fine", I assured giving her one last peck before putting the helmet on.

I left and got on the motorcycle before I went on my way home.

Once I arrived, I parked and immediately went straight to my apartment.

I threw the keys and helmet on the table.

I was pretty much a walking zombie by now.

I shot camila a quick text assuring her that I got home safe and a goodnight.

I stripped out of my clothes and took a quick shower.

I got dressed in some more comfortable clothes and as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out.

She Used To Be Mine (Camila/you)Where stories live. Discover now