Mark My Words

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Camila's POV
I woke up to the sound of the girls talking and it felt like they were right by my ear. I slowly opened my eyes to see them looking at us.

"Good morning", I greeted.

"Good morning", they responded.

I smiled at the fact that we stayed in the same sleeping position. I brushed her hair from her face.

She's so beautiful and perfect.

I looked back up to see the girls still smiling down at us.

I blushed and shooed them away. They laughed walking away.

I reached over for my phone seeing that I would most likely have to wait for her to get up for me to get up.

Today my schedule was free which was a huge relief.

As I waited for her to get up I scrolled through Instagram. I eventually got bored and put my phone down. I stared up at the ceiling for a while.

Please don't fuck things up again Camila.

I really wanted this to work out this time even if it meant taking things slow.

I looked down as I felt y/n stir in my arms. She groaned and buried her face into my neck.

Can she get any cuter?

"Morning", she rasped out making me smile.

"Good morning princess", I responded cheerfully.

"How long have you been up?", she asked.

"Probably half an hour or so", I responded.

"You should've woken me up", she said getting off of me.

I pulled her back down.

"I couldn't, you looked so cute", I said wrapping my arms around her.

"Why are you always trying to make me blush?", she said blushing slightly and hiding her face.

"Because it's my job", I said smiling.

She groaned in response.

I kissed her cheek before getting up. I pulled her up with me.

"Have any plans tonight?", Camila asked.

"Uhh", I began nervously.

She stopped walking and turned to me. She raised brow which made me reach out and take her hand.

"I actually have a thing tonight", I said slowly not knowing how to state it.

"That's ok, but why so nervous", she asked.

"Because", I said.

She gave me a look which I knew that I needed to continue.

"I'm having dinner....", I trailed off. "With Quinn", I finished off quickly.

She looked kind of shocked.

"Oh", she said regaining her composure.

She then walked away. I sighed walking after her.

"It's just a dinner", I said.

"I know, but does she know that?", she asked.

"I think?", I said which wasn't good to say.

"Ok ok let's just get pass this. Why did you ask if I had plans?", I asked.

"It doesn't matter now", she said.

"I'll make time", I said.

"No it's fine, go on your date", she said.

She was obviously jealous.

"It's not a date", I clarified.

"Right", she said not convinced.

Before she could walk away again I pulled her back in to me.

"You know it's cute when your jealous", I said.

"No y/n, you will sweet talk your way out of this one", she said trying to walk away.

"I'm not trying to", I said pulling her back. "It is adorable", I said tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "But I also want you to know that you have nothing to worry about. She's just a friend", I said.

"Yea one that was your booty call", she said.

Crap. Good point.

"Still just a friend. Plus I want to rekindle us so I would not jeopardize that", I said softly making her relax in my arms.

"Just a friend", she said looking at me sternly.

"Just a friend", I said.

She nodded and walked away.

"What were you planning?", I asked making her stop.

"I can reschedule but I can't tell you. It would ruin the surprise", she said.

I smiled as I watched her walk up the stairs.

She Used To Be Mine (Camila/you)Where stories live. Discover now