In Your Atmosphere

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"Now I can finally hear you sing", santana said smiling.

"You guys agreed?", I asked excitedly.

She nodded smiling as we jumped around. My laptop made a noise making me know that someone sent me an email.

I walked to it seeing that it was Andrew.

"I sent him a song and I'm scared. What if he hates it?", I asked as she looked over my shoulder.

"You wrote it, it's got to be amazing", she said.

She reached over and opened the email. As I read over the words I smiled.

This song would be perfect for you to perform. You've been gone for awhile and this would tie up everything. This is seriously amazing y/n, you have serious talent kiddo. You're going to kill it.

"What song was it?", santana asked curious.

"A new one that I just wrote not that long ago", I said.

"Can I hear it?", she asked.

I nodded and went to my music library. I gave her the phone and she pressed play.

I watched her intently as she listened to it.

She had a poker face until it got around to the chorus. She had a sad expression on her face.

As soon as it ended she pulled me into a tight hug.

"Am I that depressing?", I asked.

She chuckled and pulled away.

"That song was so sad and pure, he was right. You will kill the stage", she said.

She turned away and I looked at her kind of confused.

"San?", I called.

"Hold up", she said bringing up her hands to her face.

"Are you crying?", I asked.

"No", she said but her voice betrayed her.

"Awww San", I said hugging her.

The next two weeks I mostly did my normal routine but put in an hour or so practicing everyday.

I sound so different.

I was listening to a few of my old songs and my voice have definitely gotten deeper and more raspier. I hope I kill it.

Two weeks Later
I knocked on the door and was met with a beaming Brittany.

"Hey y/n/n", she smiled hugging me.

"Hey britt", I smiled.

I lifted a sleepy Isabella into my arms as I hugged santana. We walked out to the car and I strapped Isabella in.

I drove to the airport and I was getting nervous. I didn't let it show because I just wanted them to have an amazing time.

"A private plane?", santana asked impressed as we walked to the plane.

I nodded and smiled as Isabella looked excited to go on the plane. Usually kids would be terrified even though it's not her first time.

We got settled in and left the place where I had called home for the past three years.

"Are you ok?", Brittany asked resting her hand on mine as I looked out the window.

"Yea", I smiled resting my head against her shoulder.

"Get some rest ok? I know you didn't get much last night", she said knowingly.

She's right I couldn't sleep. My thoughts kept me awake with wonders of what is going to happen. How will people react? I mean I left with a simple goodbye and didn't return.

At least I said goodbye unlike....

Ok I'm not going to start being petty

It never got leaked about my whereabouts and now all of a sudden I'm going to be back. It's nerve wracking.

I nodded and got comfortable. It wasn't hard to fall asleep because I desperately needed it.

I woke up a few hours later when I heard the flight attendant tell us that we are about to land. I sat and rubbed the sleep from my eyes.

"Y/n/n you slept the whole time", Isabella said pouting.

"Sorry kiddo I was just tired", I said as santana and Brittany smiled at us.

We landed and I got even more nervous. I pulled my hoodie over my head and tried my best to hide my face.

Even though we were leaving pretty discreetly you can never be too sure of a lurking camera.

Andrews instruction was DO NOT GET SPOTTED.

We got into the limo and the bags were placed in the trunk. I took my hoodie off and let out a breath.

It was around 6 pm so it was kind of late to do anything. We got something to eat before heading to the house I bought out here.

I haven't been in his house for years. I sighed as I opened the front door.

God damn memories.

It was just how I left it: Clean, beautiful, and fricking massive.

The family looked around the house shocked as the driver brought our bags in.

"Thank you", I said giving him a tip.

"Thanks have a great night", he said.

"You too", I smiled as he left.

"You guys can pick any rooms you guys want", I said.

I grabbed my luggage and was walking towards a familiar room without thinking much about it.

I stopped as I saw the door.

I can't.

I grabbed my bags and walked to a guest room. They picked a room and I helped bring the bags up.

An hour later Isabella was tired from the flight so she went to bed. Soon after santana and Brittany went to bed.

I was now in my room looking at the night sky.

I don't know what it's like to land and not race to your door.

I'm going to stay clear because I'd die if I saw you. I'd die if I didn't see you there.

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