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"Having to pick yourself up after going through shit is such a important thing that no one ever teaches you."

One and a half month later
I am now getting around with no pain.

I just have to go to the doctor today for them to take this cast off of my arm so that I can get back to my normal life.

In the past month I've moved everything out of the house and managed to sell it.

I cried when I did but if I'm going to move on I need to sell it. I have seen her a couple of times but I tried not to make anything awkward between us.

The best way to do that was just flat out acting like I don't see her.

I know that it's messed up, but I have to do what I have to do.

Other than going to the doctors, I'm signing the papers for the new apartment that I'm moving in to.

I didn't need some huge house since it's only going to be me.

I got dressed and I'm now heading to the doctor with Dinah.

"Thanks for giving me a ride", I said to Dinah.

"No problem", she smiled.

We listened to music and before I knew it we were pulling up to the parking lot. We walked in and they led us to his office.

"Good morning girls", he greeted.

"Good morning", we greeted.

"So how's the arm feeling", he asked.

"It's feeling pretty good", I responded.

He nodded and did a few tests before doing the X-Ray.

"Alright seems good", he said.

He took it off and I watched as my arm was finally becoming free. He did a few more tests before we were good to go. We went back to the car and I sighed.

"Finally", I breathed out.

"Feels good doesn't it?", dinah asked.

"Hell yea", I said moving my arm a little.

"Where you headed right now?", she asked.

"You can just drive to your place because I know you have to go to the studio. I'll just drive my car", I said.

"You sure?", she asked.

"Yea", I smiled.

Once she drove me to the house I hugged her goodbye and walked into the house. I walked to the room I was staying in and grabbed my keys. I closed up and got to my car.

I was wearing a white long sleeve shirt, grey purpose tour sweats, and all white yeezys.

I just needed to sign these papers then be in the studio for the rest of the day because I'm kind of behind on that.

I drove to the place signed a bunch of papers then took a quick break at Starbucks. As I parked and stepped out I saw a few paps.

"Hey y/n it's good to see you back", one of the guy said.

"It's good to be back", I smiled towards the camera before entering Starbucks.

I ordered some hot chocolate and a small sandwich. I took pictures with a few people before paying and leaving.

I ran my fingers through my wavy hair and walked into the front office of the recording building.

"Good afternoon", the lady at the front desk greeted.

She Used To Be Mine (Camila/you)Where stories live. Discover now